Quotes From "The Great Unexpected" By Sharon Creech

Mrs. Mudkin closed her eyes. "We should pray."" I ain't praying, " Crazy Cora said. Mrs. Mudkin said, "Lord, please bless---"" I ain't praying.""--this land and the people who--"" I ain't praying.""--have toiled on this earth--"" Stop that praying."" I can pray if I want to."" Then be quiet about it. Sharon Creech
Lizzie said that if you imagined you were standing on the moon, looking down on the earth, you wouldn't be able to see the itty-bitty people racing around worrying you wouldn't see the barn falling in or the cow stuck in the pond; you wouldn't see the mean Granger kids squirting mustard on your white dress. You would see the most beautiful blue oceans and green lands, and the whole earth would look like a giant blue-and-green marble floating in the sky. Your worries would seem so small, maybe invisible. Sharon Creech
What's important is the ambition that results from our weakness. Sharon Creech