Quotes From "The Dying Of The Light" By Derek Landy

Please just admit it, " said Valkyrie. "You're going to miss me, aren't you?" "Obviously, " said Skulduggery. "Thank you." "Like a drowning man misses the land." "A w w w..." "Like a hesitant man misses the chance." "Yeah..." "Like an oblivious man misses the point." "I have a feeling you're mocking me somehow, but I can't put my finger on how. Derek Landy
It was a trap. It was so obviously a trap....
It was a trap. It was so obviously a trap. Darquesse smiled. Derek Landy
Violence?"Skulduggery said. "Violence is never the answer, until it's the only answer. Derek Landy
I.. I don't, I don't think I can do this."" Do what?" It didn't answer." Do the tests?"" I can't work with you when you're like this! " it blurted. "To every one of my specimens, I am the last thing they see! Terrror is what I am used to-- terror is what I like! I prefer my subjects to scream and beg, not ask to see results! "" I'll scream my questions, if that helps."" It won't, " it said sadly. "I'll know you're only trying to make me feel better. . Derek Landy
Over his shoulder, she saw Skulduggery walk in. "Oh, hell, " she muttered. Wreath's smile reappeared. "It's Skulduggery, isn't it?" Over his shoulder, she saw Skulduggery walk in. "Oh , hell, " she muttered. Wreath's smile reappeared. "It's Skulduggery, isn't it?"" Please don't annoy him."" Me? When have I EVER annoyed the great Skulduggery Pleasant?"Skulduggery arrived at their table. Wreath smile up at him. "Hello.""I will shoot you in the eye, " Skulduggery said. Wreath glanced at Valkyrie. "I think I've annoyed him. Derek Landy
Don't open the door to strangers, " said her dad. "Unless they're selling something. Then open the door and see if I'd like it. If I'd like it, buy it for me. But nothing cheap. I have standards. Nothing too expensive, either. My standards aren't that high. Derek Landy
Have to be honest with you Darquesse, I cannot feel that. That must be one of your special abilities, because to me, it looks like you just killed a whole bunch of people for no reason."" Oh, " said Darquesse. "That's so sad Derek Landy
The traffic warden looked up. "This your car?" "It is, " said Skulduggery. The traffic warden nodded. "Very nice, very nice. But you can't park here, day or night." "I wasn't aware of that." "There's a sign right over there." "I didn't think it applied to me." "Why wouldn't it have applied to you?" Skulduggery tilted his head. "Because I'm special." "Don't care how special you think you are, you're parked in a no parking area and as such you're---" "We're here on official police business." The traffic warden narrowed his eyes. "You're Garda? I'm going to need to see some identification." "We're undercover, " said Skulduggery. "This is a very important undercover operation which you are endangering just by talking to us." He opened his jacket. "Look, I have a gun. I am Detective Inspector Me. This is my partner, Detective Her." The traffic warden frowned. "Her?" "Me, " said Stephanie. "Him?" "Not me, " said Skulduggery. "Her." "Me, " said Stephanie. "You?" said the traffic warden. "Yes, " said Stephanie. "I"m sorry, who are you?" Stephanie looked at him. "I'm Her, he's Me. Got it? Good. You better get out of here before you blow our cover. They've got snipers. Derek Landy
It's not so bad." Melancholia looked at her. "You're lying."" I'll get used to it. So will you."" I.. I don't think I'll be able to."" I'll be there to help when you need it."" But I hate you." Valkyrie smiled. "No you don't."" No, I do. I want to kill you and stuff."" We actually became friends in those caves."" That's not what happened, " said Melancholia."We're pals. We're buddies.” "If my wrists weren't in shackles, my hands would be round your throat."" You want to hug my throat because we're friends. . Derek Landy
I am Detective Inspector Me. This is my partner, Detective Her."The traffic warden frowned. "Her?""Me, " said Stephanie."Him?""Not me, " said Skulduggery. "Her.""Me, " said Stephanie."You?" said the traffic warden." Yes, " said Stephanie. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Stephanie looked at him. "I'm Her, he's Me. Got it? Derek Landy
Valkyrie stood there and waited for her to start making sense." There is a vegetable-plant hybrid we've been working on, modifying the genes and receptors, mutating the proteins and acids so that they are, in effect, neurotransmitters. Our work on the synapses alone has been quite illuminating." Valkyrie stood there and waited for her to start making sense. Derek Landy
You're not used to early mornings, are you?" He shook his head. "Early mornings were invented by the system to keep the people occupied. But not me. I'm on to them. They're not gonna catch me napping. Metaphorically, like. Obviously, they can catch me physically napping like, four or five times a day, but, metaphorically, I am so far beyond their reach. Derek Landy
What's this about slippers?" Stephanie's mom said, walking in." Dad's just saying he could never lead the resistance against a robot army because he wears slippers."" This is very true, " her mum said." Then it's decided, " Stephanie's father said. "When the robot army makes itself known, I will be one of the first traitors to sell out the human race."" Wow, " said Stephanie."Now that's an about-turn, " said her mum." It's the only way, " said her dad. "I have to make sure my family survives. The two of you and that other one, the small one--"" Alice."" That's her. You're all that matter to me. You're all I care about. I will betray the human race so that the robot army spares you. And then later, I will betray you so that the robot army spares me. It's a dangerous ploy, but someone has to be willing to take the big risks, and I'll be damned if I'm about to let anyone else gamble with my family's future."" You're so brave, " Stephanie's mum said." I know, " said her dad, and then quieter, "I know. Derek Landy