Quotes From "The Descendants" By Kaui Hart Hemmings

That's how you know you love someone, I guess, when...
That's how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can't experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too. Kaui Hart Hemmings
Why is it so hard to articulate love yet so...
Why is it so hard to articulate love yet so easy to express disappointment? Kaui Hart Hemmings
I'll never be ready. Yet at the same time, you always want to reach the end. You can't fly to a destination and linger in the air. I want to reach the end of this thing, and I feel terrible about it. Kaui Hart Hemmings
A sea of red lights, and I slow down. My job now is to gather everyone together and tell them we have to let her go. I won't tell anyone over the phone, because I didn't like hearing the news from the doctor that way. I have maybe a week to handle the arrangements, as the doctor said, but the arrangements are overwhelming. How do I learn how to run a family? How do I say goodbye to someone I love so much that I've forgotten just how much I love her? . Kaui Hart Hemmings
I like the way men cry. They're efficient. Kaui Hart Hemmings
At sunset, on the river ban, KrishnaLoved her for the last time and left... That night in her husband's arms, Radha felt So dead that he asked, What is wrong, Do you mind my kisses, love? And she said, Not not at all, but thought, What is It to the corpse if the maggots nip? Kamala Suraiyya Das
Perhaps I did nothing because I don't have enough fear to be a good parent. Kaui Hart Hemmings
I tell Esther she should ease up on lard. There's no need to mix lard in with Scottie's rice, chicken, and beans. I tell her she hasn't read the blogs. I've read the blogs. I know what Scottie should eat. Kaui Hart Hemmings
My God, ” she says. “I feel like I’ve gone through a car wash.” I laugh, or force myself to, because it’s not something I’d normally laugh at.“ What about you?” she says to Scottie. “How did you make out?”“ I’m a boy, ” Scottie says. “Look at me.” Sand has gotten into the bottom of her suit, creating a huge bulge. She scratches at the bulge. “I’m going to go to work now, ” she says. I think she’s impersonating me and that Mrs. Speer is getting an unrealistic, humiliating glimpse.“ Scottie, ” I say. “Take that out.”“ It must be fun to have girls, ” Mrs. Speer says. She looks at the ocean, and I see that she’s looking at Alex sunbathing on the floating raft. Sid leans over Alex and puts his mouth to hers. She raises a hand to his head, and for a moment I forget it’s my daughter out there and think of how long it has been since I’ve been kissed or kissed like that.“ Or maybe you have your hands full, ” Mrs. Speer says.“ No, no, ” I say. “It’s great, ” and it is, I suppose, though I feel like I’ve just acquired them and don’t know yet. “They’ve been together for ages.” I gesture to Alex and Sid. I don’t understand if they’re a couple or if this is how all kids in high school act these days. Mrs. Speer looks at me curiously, as if she’s about to say something, but she doesn’t.“ And boys.” I gesture to her little dorks. “They must keep you busy.”“ They’re a handful. But they’re at such a fun age. It’s such a joy.” She gazes out at her boys. Her expression does little to convince me that they’re such a joy. I wonder how many times parents have these dull conversations with one another and how much they must hide. They’re so goddamn hyper, I’d do anything to inject them with a horse tranquilizer. They keep insisting that I watch what they can do, but I truly don’t give a fuck. How hard is it to jump off a diving board? My girls are messed up, I want to say. One talks dirty to her own reflection. Did you do that when you were growing up?“ Your girls seem great, too, ” she says. “How old are they?”“ Ten and eighteen. And yours?”“ Ten and twelve.”“ Oh, ” I say. “Great.”“Your younger one sure is funny, ” she says. “I mean, not funny. I meant entertaining.”“ Oh, yeah. That’s Scottie. She’s a riot. Kaui Hart Hemmings
Do you guys have sunscreen?” I ask.“ No, ” Scottie says. “Do we have water?”“ Did you bring any?” Alex asks.“ No, ” I say. Alex pops her head up. “Did you bring snacks for us?”“ We can walk to town.” How do mothers manage to bring everything a child could need? Kaui Hart Hemmings
I had to ask Scottie what TYVM meant, because now that I’ve narrowed into her activities, I notice she is constantly text-messaging her friends, or at least I hope it’s her friends and not some perv in a bathrobe.“ Thank you very much, ” Scottie said, and for some reason, the fact that I didn’t get this made me feel completely besieged. It’s crazy how much fathers are supposed to know these days. I come from the school of thought where a dad’s absence is something to be counted on. Now I see all the men with camouflage diaper bags and babies hanging from their chests like little ship figureheads. When I was a young dad, I remember the girls sort of bothered me as babies, the way everyone raced around to accommodate them. The sight of Alex in her stroller would irritate me at times–she’d hang one of her toddler legs over the rim of the safety bar and slouch down in the seat. Joanie would bring her something and she’d shake her head, then Joanie would try again and again until an offering happened to work and Alex would snatch it from her hands. I’d look at Alex, finally complacent with her snack, convinced there was a grown person in there, fooling us all. Scottie would just point to things and grunt or scream. It felt like I was living with royalty. I told Joanie I’d wait until they were older to really get into them, and they grew and grew behind my back. Kaui Hart Hemmings
We walk until there aren't more houses, all the way to the part of the beach where the current makes the waves come in then rush back out so that the two waves clash, water casting up like a geyser. We watch that for a while and then Scottie says, "I wish Mom was here." I'm thinking the exact same thought. That's how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can't experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too. Every day I kept track of anecdotes, occurrences, and gossip, bullet-pointing the news in my head and even rehearsing my stories before telling them to Joanie in bed at night. . Kaui Hart Hemmings
I'm sorry, " I say. "I didn't give you everything you wanted. I wasn't everything you wanted. You were everything I wanted. Kaui Hart Hemmings
Say goodbye to your mom.” Scottie pauses, then keeps going.“ Scottie.”“ Bye! ” she yells. I grab her arm. I could yell at her for wanting to leave, but I don’t. She pulls her arm out of my grasp. I look up to see if anyone is watching us, because I don’t think you’re supposed to aggressively hold children these days. Gone are the days of spanking, threats, and sugar. Now there are therapy, antidepressants, and Splenda. . Kaui Hart Hemmings
I drift off for a while. I don't know how long, but when I open my eyes, the Oscars are still on and Alex tells me that Sid has gone and this makes me a little sad. Whatever the four of us had is over. He is my daughter's boyfriend now, and I am a father. A widower. No pot, no cigarettes, no sleeping over. They'll have to find inventive ways to conduct their business, most likely in uncomfortable places, just like the rest of them. I let him and my old ways go. We all let him go, as well as who we were before this, and now it's really just the three of us. I glance over at the girls, taking a good look at what's left. . Kaui Hart Hemmings
I lean down so that my face is right in front of hers and whisper, ‘He doesn’t love you. I love you. Kaui Hart Hemmings
I look in the jewelry box where Joanie found the drugs. She showed me a miniature Ziploc bag filled with a clear, hard rock.“ What is this?” I said. I never did drugs, so I had no idea. Heroin? Cocaine? Crack? Ice? “What is this?” I screamed at Alex, who screamed back, “It’s not like I shoot it! ” A plastic ballerina pops up and slowly twirls to a tinkling song whose sound is discordant and deformed. The pink satin liner is dirty, and other than a black pearl necklace, the box holds only rusty paper clips and rubber bands noosed with Alex’s dark hair. I see a note stuck to the mirror and pick up the jewelry box and move the ballerina aside. She twirls against my finger. The note says, I wouldn’t hide them in the same place twice. I let out a short breath through my nose. Good one, Alex. I close the jewelry box and shake my head, missing her tremendously. I wish she never went back to boarding school, and I don’t understand her sudden change of plans. What did they fight about? What could have been so bad?. Kaui Hart Hemmings
I hope she can’t tell that I’m appraising her and that I’m completely worried by what I see. She’s excitable and strange. She’s ten. What do people do during the day when they’re ten? She runs her fingers along the window and mumbles, “This could give me bird flu, ” and then she forms a circle around her mouth with her hand and makes trumpet noises. She’s nuts. Who knows what’s going on in that head of hers, and speaking of her head, she most definitely could use a haircut or a brushing. There are small tumbleweeds of hair resting on the top of her head. Where does she get haircuts? I wonder. Has she ever had one before? She scratches her scalp, then looks at her nails. She wears a shirt that says I’M NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL. BUT I CAN BE! I’m grateful that she isn’t too pretty, but I realize this could change. Kaui Hart Hemmings
We need to get home and put some ointments and ice on the stings. Vinegar will make it worse, so if you thought Giraffe Boy could pee on you, you’re shit out of luck.” She agrees as if prepared for this–the punishment, the medication, the swelling, the pain that hurts her now and the pain that will hurt her later. She seems okay with my disapproval. She’s gotten her story, after all, and she’s beginning to see how much easier physical pain is to tolerate than emotional pain. I’m unhappy that she’s learning this at such a young age.“ The hospital will have ointments and ice, ” she says. Kaui Hart Hemmings
I’d like you to come to Kauai with me, ” I say. “And Scottie. I think it would be good to get her away from the hospital for a day. We can leave in the morning, find him, and be home tomorrow night. If it takes us a day longer, that’s fine, but we won’t stay more than two nights. That’s our deadline. If we don’t find him, then at least we know we tried.”“ And this will make you feel better somehow?”“ It’s for her, ” I say. “Not for him or me.”“ What if he’s a wreck? What if he loses his shit?”“ Then I’ll take care of him.” I imagine Brian Speer wailing on my shoulder. I imagine him and my daughters by Joanie’s bed, her lover and his loud sobs shaming us. “Just so you know, I am angry. I’m not this pure and noble guy. I want to do this for her, but I also want to see who he is. I want to ask him a few things.”“ Just call him. Tell his office it’s an emergency. They’ll have him call you.”“ I want to tell him in person. I haven’t told anyone over the phone, and I don’t want to start now.”“ You told Troy.”“Troy doesn’t count. I just need to do this. On the phone he can escape. If I see him in person, he’ll have nowhere to go.” We both look away when our eyes meet. She hasn’t crossed the border into my room. She never does during her nighttime doorway chats.“ Were you guys having trouble?” Alex asks. “Is that why she cheated?”“ I didn’t think we were having trouble, ” I say. “I mean, it was the same as always.” This was the problem, that our marriage was the same as always. Joanie needed bumps. She needed rough terrain. It’s funny that I can get lost in thoughts about her, but when she was right in front of me, I didn’t think much about her at all.“ I wasn’t the best husband, ” I say. Alex looks out the window to avoid my confession. “If we go on this trip, what will we tell Scottie?”“She’ll think we’re going on a trip of some sort. I want to get her away from here. Kaui Hart Hemmings
You’ve already said that, ” Alex says. “Why should I go?”“ You’re the only person I have, ” I say. “And I want us all to be together. It will be good for us.”“ Oh, so now I’m back in the picture again.”“ Alex. Something bigger than you is occurring right now. I’m sorry about your unhappy childhood.” She glares at me in that special way of hers and Joanie’s that makes me feel worthless and foul-smelling.“ So we’ll tell Scottie we’re going on a vacation while Mom is in the hospital?”“ It’s for a day or two, ” I say. “Scottie’s been in the hospital every day for almost a month now. She needs a break. It’s not good for her. I’d like you to be in charge of answering any questions she may have. She looks up to you. She’ll hang on whatever you say.” I’m hoping a leadership role, a specific chore, will make Alex act like an adult and treat Scottie well.“ Can you do that?” She shrugs.“ If you can’t handle things, let me know. I’ll help. I’m here for you.” Alex laughs. I wonder if there are parents who can say things to their kids like “I love you” or “I’m here for you” without being laughed at. I have to admit it’s a bit uncomfortable. Affection, in general, is unpleasant to me.“ What if Mom doesn’t make it for two days?”“ She will, ” I say. “I’ll tell her what we’re doing.” Alex looks uncomfortable with this idea, that what I’ll say will make her mother want to live. “I’m bringing Sid, ” she says. “If he doesn’t come, then I’m not going.” I’m about to protest, but I see the look in her eyes and know this is yet another battle that I’m bound to lose. Something about this guy is helping her. And Scottie seems to like him. He can keep her distracted. He can work for me.“ Okay, ” I say. “Deal. . Kaui Hart Hemmings
TIA OR TARA has stopped applying makeup to my wife’s face and is looking at Scottie with disapproval. The light is hitting this woman’s face, giving me an opportunity to see that she should perhaps be working on her own makeup. Her coloring is similar to a manila envelope. There are specks of white in her eyebrows, and her concealer is not concealing. I can tell my daughter doesn’t know what to do with this woman’s critical look.“ What?” Scottie asks. “I don’t want any makeup.” She looks at me for protection, and it’s heartbreaking. All the women who model with Joanie have this inane urge to make over my daughter with the notion that they’re helping her somehow. She’s not as pretty as her older sister or her mother, and these other models think that slapping on some rouge will somehow make her feel better about her facial fate. They’re like missionaries. Mascara thumpers.“ I was just going to say that I think your mother was enjoying the view, ” Tia or Tara says. “It’s so pretty outside. You should let the light in.” My daughter looks at the curtain. Her little mouth is open. Her hand reaches for a tumbleweed of hair.“ Listen here, T. Her mother was not enjoying the view. Her mother is in a coma. And she’s not supposed to be in bright light.”“ My name is not T, ” she says. “My name is Allison.”“Okay, then, Ali. Don’t confuse my daughter, please.”“ I’m turning into a remarkable young lady, ” Scottie says.“ Damn straight.” My heart feels like one of Scottie’s clogs clomping down the hall. I don’t know why I became so angry. Kaui Hart Hemmings
There’s something different about her. I realize it’s her breasts–they’re huge. I see that she’s stuffed her bikini top with wet balls of sand.“ What is that?” I say. “Scottie. Your suit.” She shields her eyes with her hand and looks down at her chest. “Beach boobs, ” she says.“ Take that out of there, ” I say. “Alex. Why’d you let her do that?” Alex is on her stomach, with the straps of her top untied. She lifts her head toward Scottie. “I didn’t know. Take them out, stupid.” Sid lifts his head. “Honestly, ” he says, “big boobs look kind of fatty.”“ As Bebe says, boobs suck, ” Alex says, “and Sid’s full of shit. He loves big boobs.”“ Who’s Bebe?” Scottie lets the sand fall out of her top.“ Character from South Park, ” Sid says. “And I love small boobs, too, Alex. I’m an equal-opportunity employer. Kaui Hart Hemmings
Reina sounds awesome, ” Sid says. “I’m digging her more and more.”“ Were you there?” I ask. “Have you seen one of these movies?”“ No, ” Scottie says.“ Scottie, ” Alex says, kicking Sid in the ribs. “Reina is a fuckedup ho bag, and you need to stay away from her. I’ve already told you that. Do you want to end up like me?”“ Yes, ” Scottie says.“ I mean the earlier me, when I was yelling at Mom.”“No, ” Scottie says.“ Well, Reina is going to be a crackhead, and she’s going to get used. She’s a twat. Say it.”“ Twat, ” Scottie says. She gets up and runs across the room, saying, “Twat twat twat twat twat.”“ Holy shit, ” Sid says. “This is some messed-up parenting. Isn’t it?” Alex shrugs. “Maybe. I guess we’ll see.”“ I don’t get it, ” I say. “I don’t know what to do. These things she does, they keep happening.”“ It will go away, ” Alex says.“ Will it? I mean, look at how you kids talk. In front of me, especially. It’s like you don’t respect authority.” The kids stare at the television. I tell them to get out. I’m going to bed. . Kaui Hart Hemmings
We don’t treat each other very well, I suppose. Even from the start. It was as though we had the seven-year itch the day we met. The day she went into a coma, I heard her telling her friend Shelley that I was useless, that I leave my socks hanging on every doorknob in the house. At weddings we roll our eyes at the burgeoning love around us, the vows that we know will morph into new kinds of promises: I vow not to kiss you when you’re trying to read. I will tolerate you in sickness and ignore you in health. I promise to let you watch that stupid news show about celebrities, since you’re so disenchanted with your own life. Joanie and I were urged by her brother, Barry, to subject ourselves to counseling as a decent couple would. Barry is a man of the couch, a believer in weekly therapy, affirmations, and pulse points. Once he tried to show us exercises he’d been doing in session with his girlfriend. We were instructed to trade reasons, abstract or specific, why we stayed with each other. I started off by saying that Joanie would get drunk and pretend I was someone else and do this neat thing with her tongue. Joanie said tax breaks. Barry cried. Openly. His second wife had recently left him for someone who understood that a man didn’t do volunteer work. . Kaui Hart Hemmings