Quotes From "The Dalai Lamas Little Book Of Inner Peace: The Essential Life And Teachings" By Dalai Lama Xiv

Each one of us is responsible for reducing the negative potential of every situation we have to face. Dalai Lama Xiv
From the Buddhist point of view, all living beings -- that is, beings with feelings, experiences, and sensations -- are considered equal. Human beings can live without eating meat. As human beings, I think that deep down our nature tends towards vegetarianism and leads us to do everything in our power to prevent harming other species. Dalai Lama Xiv
Weapons never stay in their boxes. Once a weapon has been manufactured, sooner or later someone will use it. If it were possible to bring about true and lasting peace by force of arms, then we should turn all our factories into weapons factories. But that is impossible. Even though it is difficult to try to bring about peace through inner transformation, it is the only way of establishing sustainable peace in the world. Dalai Lama Xiv
War is massacre. It is 100 per cent negative. Dalai Lama Xiv