Quotes From "The Beethoven Medal" By K.M. Peyton

He considered for a moment, then started to play a piece that was very familiar to Ruth, although she had no idea what it was. It was lilting and wistful, and she could have sung the melody if she had wished.' Alright?' He raised his eyebrows inquiringly.' Yes. Exactly.'It was effortless and perfect, and he played it through to the end, closing with the softest and most delicate chords, which hung and faded in the quiet hall like the grains of dust raining through the evening light. Ruth was touched. It was all she had wanted. He did not move until there was complete silence again, then he closed the lid without saying anything, and stood up, shoving back the chair.. 'What was that piece?'' A Brahms waltz.'' Hasn't it got a name?' she wanted it to remember.' Number fifteen. Opus thirty-nine.' It hadn't sounded like numbers to Ruth. K.M. Peyton
It suits here now to forget last year, but she'll never make me forget last year, not if I live to be a hundred. I didn't know much then. I know now that there's people like her who want to be friendly for what you do, not what you are. K.M. Peyton