Quotes From "The 10 Greatest Struggles Of Your Life" By Colin S. Smith

God had spoken to His people through His Word. It had humbled them in their sins, but it had lifted them up to see the grace and mercy of God, and then had directed them into a new life of obedience. In all our desperate searching for ways to find joy, God is telling us that we will never find joy like the joy of knowing God, being humbled in our sins, experiencing His grace, and walking in a life of obedience. Colin S. Smith
Human life is created in God's image, and that makes it sacred. Colin S. Smith
He is the Creator and the sustainer of all things. He is the unchanging, self-existent God, and that means that He depends on nobody. He is neither helped by our faith nor hindered by our unbelief. Colin S. Smith
If you can grasp those two truths–you are made in His image and dependent on Him–you will discover a great dignity and at the same time a profound humility. Colin S. Smith
Saint Augustine defined idolatry as worshiping what should be used or using what should be worshiped Colin S. Smith
The God you worship will shape the values you hold, and the values you hold will shape the lifestyle that you choose. Colin S. Smith
Has what you do for God become more important to you than the Lord Himself? Colin S. Smith
The heart of the gospel is that Christ has come to save us from the judgment of God. Colin S. Smith
Idolatry involves putting the things we love in the place of God or seeing God as a means of getting the things that we want, and that's the second great struggle of our lives. Colin S. Smith