Quotes From "Survive Information Overload: The 7 Best Ways To Manage Your Workload By Seeing The Big Picture" By Kathryn Alesandrini

A popular myth is that learning is largely a matter of motivation. Increasingly, the key to effective learning in the information era is how you think, not how you feel. Kathryn Alesandrini
Traditional ways to deal with information--reading, listening, writing, talking--are painfully slow in comparison to "viewing the big picture." Those who survive information overload will be those who search for information with broadband thinking but apply it with a single-minded focus. Kathryn Alesandrini
It's not a good idea to cut back indiscriminately on what you read. The reason is that reading can save you time, because it gives you the opportunity to learn from other people's experience. Kathryn Alesandrini
Time is a most versatile resource. It flies, marches on, works wonders, and will tell. It also runs out. Kathryn Alesandrini