Quotes From "Stolen Petals" By Katherine McIntyre

The night had darkened to the murky sort where the air hung like descending clouds and the overhead branches made the liquid darkness even more impenetrable. Katherine McIntyre
Despite the gentlemanly kiss, a ferocity burned behind his gaze promising something primal. Katherine McIntyre
Overhead the sliver of a moon barely illuminated anything and shadows slunk on every corner. Katherine McIntyre
Ignore the reek of feces in the air, the bloodstains on the ground, and you have yourself a glorious night. Katherine McIntyre
Sorry, one night stands don't stack up as credentials for tending bar. Katherine McIntyre
Whatever crimes this man had committed, they weren't as egregious as his inflated self-image. Katherine McIntyre
The rest of them looked proper when they did it, but somehow Edward made even this gesture appear like in seconds he'd rip off her corset and do away with her skirt. Katherine McIntyre
When honor and glory get your squad killed and your brothers-in-arms shoved under the rug, you stop believing in the terms. Katherine McIntyre