Quotes From "Sister Mischief" By Laura Goode

Use all the ugliness you’re feeling to make something beautiful Laura Goode
If I’m writing, at least I don’t feel as paralyzed.
If I’m writing, at least I don’t feel as paralyzed. Laura Goode
Maybe that's what growing up is. When you can't be who you are and do what everyone's telling you to do at the same time anymore. - Rowie from Sister Mischief Laura Goode
Part of me is afraid that everyone will laugh, that I’m a caricature of myself. Laura Goode
It's not like I want to get discovered, exactly, the way you hear actresses getting picked off at diners. It's more about my own road to discovery like pecking my way out of a shell. I just want to roll deep with a pack of talented bastards. Doesn't everybody? - Esme from Sister Mischief Laura Goode
This is an unbearable kiss, unbearable, unreal, unimaginable.” - Esme from Sister Mischief Laura Goode
I bet that dog-walking trollop called the cops on us. - Esme from Sister Mischief Laura Goode
This one is for our crew, but it’s also for all the weird girls and word nerds, for all the in-the-middle wickeds and queers and misfits and hell-raisers. Laura Goode
Hip-hop is a reflection of your surroundings and an instrument of change. - Esme from Sister Mischief Laura Goode