Quotes From "Repercussions: Duet Stories Volume Iv Adult Version" By Brownell Landrum

A soul is a vast collection of experiences. The unification...
A soul is a vast collection of experiences. The unification of lessons. The accumulation of events designed to help us evolve and grow through love. Brownell Landrum
If another soul took over your beloved’s body, would you...
If another soul took over your beloved’s body, would you still feel the same way about him or her? Brownell Landrum
The right music and lyrics can infiltrate your soul. Brownell Landrum
It’s not about optimism, pessimism or realism. It’s not about thinking nothing bad will ever happen to you. It’s about having the faith and courage that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay. Brownell Landrum
Reality can exceed even your wildest dreams. Brownell Landrum
You don’t create your reality. You co-create your reality. Brownell Landrum
It’s interesting how we can connect so deeply with friends so different from ourselves. In fact, perhaps it’s these differences ultimately bonding us the most. The opportunity to expand our horizons. Brownell Landrum
If you could dream about anything you want, what would it be? Brownell Landrum
Nothing makes you feel more like a man than holding and comforting a woman in your arms. Brownell Landrum
Whatever you focus on expands. Brownell Landrum
Sometimes you finally understand something so profoundly life-changing your whole body starts to tingle. It’s like you’re made of vibrations that just jumped an octave or two. Brownell Landrum
Guilt can weigh you down; like being bound in lead chains in a deep murky lake, making you spend the rest of your life gasping for air. Brownell Landrum
Love transcends dimensions of time and space. Brownell Landrum
It’s awfully difficult to be ‘right’ when you don’t have all the information. Brownell Landrum