Quotes From "Proximity" By M.A. George

I wish I could say I’m low maintenance, but I like some of the finer things in life…like a toothbrush. M.A. George
Don’t be so concerned, ” he whispered. “We will get through this, I promise.” “What makes you so certain?” I couldn’t help my skepticism.“ We have no other choice, ” he replied matter-of-factly. “Is that really all you can come up with?” I scowled. “Couldn’t you just lie and tell me you have some kind of secret badass weapon that is going to make this a piece of cake? M.A. George
Seriously, Palta…” He was honestly puzzled, “I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about. What about your ears is supposed to be so bizarre?”“ Um… You’d have to be blind to miss them, ” I replied sarcastically. “If you’re not, you will be when you poke your eye out on one of them. M.A. George
I decided that a movie marathon was clearly in order. I tried to narrow down the options. Anything romantic was definitely out, as was anything involving space travel, kings, or handsome princes. Preferably there should be no good-looking men whatsoever, lest they remind me of Aeron. Sadly, that eliminated practically everything. M.A. George
Yeah, sure, ” I scoffed. “You’re the picture of respectability and moral character… You expect me to believe you were your parents’ worst nightmare? What was your criminal act of choice–drunken bar fights? Or maybe grand theft auto? Don’t tell me you sold the crown jewels to buy drugs… It’s so disappointingly cliché. M.A. George
If by ‘foe’ you mean a brutal killer, then I suppose I’d fall into the ‘friend’ category, ” I replied cynically. “Although in your case, we may have to find a secret option number three. M.A. George
For someone so intuitive, ” he said, shaking his head, “sometimes you only see what you expect to see. M.A. George