Quotes From "Paperweight" By Meg Haston

This is the terrible thing girls like us have in common" she explained. "Parents, upbringings, lifestyles, that are painfully normal. Middle class." It was almost amoral, being raised this way, she told me fiercely. We'd never really understand pain. And wasn't that the human condition? By shielding us from the real world, pressing their palms over our eyes during all the bad parts. our parents -our parents-were keeping us separate from humanity. We were something else entirely. Meg Haston
But every time I near sleep, I'm scared shitless. Because the memories are coming faster now, pouring through me, as if I've broken the handle on the faucet. They are coming, no matter how much is hurts. And all I can do is hold my breath and try not to drown. Meg Haston
I like to think of this little [newspaper] column as a brassière, or do I mean brasserie? Brazier, possibly. All three! A column that lifts, separates, supports, serves excellent cappuccino and crackles merrily with sweet-smelling old chestnuts. Stephen Fry
Promise was like a precious stone, she told me: hypnotising, but after a while the weight of it could sink you. Meg Haston
We are all a collection of lost causes, stashed here so no one has to see just how wounded we are. Meg Haston