Quotes From "Magic Binds" By Ilona Andrews

I once took a city with five men and a...
I once took a city with five men and a lame goat. If I can do that, you can convince the necromancers to pledge themselves to you. Do this or die. Ilona Andrews
He plugged the phone into the outlet. It rang. Roman stared at it as if it were a viper. The phone rang again. He unplugged it. “There.” “It can’t be that bad, ” I told him. “Oh, it’s bad.” Roman nodded. “My dad refused to help my second sister buy a house, because he doesn’t like her boyfriend. My mother called him and it went badly. She cursed him. Every time he urinates, the stream arches up and over. Ilona Andrews
So far I had the god of evil and the god of terror on my side. My good-guy image was taking a serious beating. Maybe I should recruit some unicorns or kittens with rainbow powers to even us out. Ilona Andrews
Yes, ” Curran said. “We’d like you to officiate.”“ I’m sorry?”“ We’d like you to marry us, ” I said. Roman’s eyes went wide. He pointed to himself. “Me?”“Yes, ” Curran said.“ Marry you?”“ Yes.”“ You do know what I do, right?”“ Yes, ” I said. “You’re Chernobog’s priest. Ilona Andrews