Quotes From "Lover Enshrined" By J.r. Ward

After a moment, Wrath turned to John. "This is Lassiter, the fallen angel. One of the last times he was here on earth, there was a plague in central Europe-""Okay, that was so not my fault-""-which wiped out two-thirds of the human population."" I'd like to remind you that you don't like humans."" They smell bad when they're dead."" All you mortal types do. J.r. Ward
Among the problems with shame was that it in fact did not make you shorter or quieter or less visible. You just felt like you were. J.r. Ward
Just once" Blay said softly. "Do it just once. So I'll know what it's like." Qhuinn started to shake his head. "No..I don't think—"" Yes" After a moment, Qhuinn slid both his hands up Blay's thick neck and captured the male's sturdy jaw in his palms. "You sure?" When Blay nodded, Qhuinn titled his friend's head back and to the side and held it in place as he slowly closed the distance. Just before their mouths touched, Blay's eyelashes fluttered down and he trembled . J.r. Ward
She silenced him with her mouth, then pulled back. "You can't change what I think of you." He reached up and brushed her lower lip with his thumb." If you truly knew me, everything you believe would change."" Your heart would be the same. And that is what I love. J.r. Ward
One thing, though, " Qhuinn murmured." What?" The voice that came out his throat was unlike anything he'd ever heard from himself before. "If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun." Blay's laughter rumbled around the tiled walls. "Of course you will--"" I'm dead fucking serious." Blay's blue eyes shot over his shoulder." If there are any who dare to hurt you, " Qhuinn growled in the Old Language, "I shall see them staked afore me and shall leave their bodies in ruin. J.r. Ward
Life. In all it's mundane majesty. J.r. Ward
He(Quinn)put his hand out to his friend. “I’ll lay my life down for you. With or Without that piece of paper J.r. Ward
Gallows humor is part of having a doctor in the house. Deal with it. J.r. Ward