Quotes From "Let Them Paddle: Coming Of Age On The Water" By Alan S. Kesselheim

I have come, more and more, to believe that the way we are in the world actually has an impact on the world. When we are respectful, joyous, grateful, engaged, the world responds to that in concrete ways. When we are angry and resentful, or selfish or bitter, things sour around us. Alan S. Kesselheim
If I replace the word God with the word nature, I am far more at ease with the whole religious enterprise. Alan S. Kesselheim
Once, when a government agent arrived at her home with a ream of paper that documented the case against her, she asked if that law was more powerful than natural law. He told her that, yes, it was a powerful law, the law of the federal government. Then, she said, it should be more powerful that this, and she threw it into her woodstove. Alan S. Kesselheim