Quotes From "Katie In Love" By Chloe Thurlow

Time neither flies nor sleeps. It is flexible, plastic, ever changing. Spend two hours watching a movie curled up with your lover and time ceases to exist. Spend two hours waiting for your lover to come and time is the iron bars of a prison Chloe Thurlow
A beautiful woman is like a painting and remains beautiful...
A beautiful woman is like a painting and remains beautiful no matter how old she is. Chloe Thurlow
I am made of words. Cut me & I bleed...
I am made of words. Cut me & I bleed sentences. Read me, & I speak to your soul. Chloe Thurlow
All good art is political. Between the lines of every book, the author implants messages for the unsuspecting reader. If not, what point does it serve? Chloe Thurlow
One passion leads to another. It's passion that makes the wheels of life turn, passion for work, passion for pleasure, passion for passion. Chloe Thurlow
If you add the shadow of death to a moment of passion you are in that instant free of all normal ties, your mind grows still and your body enters a state of non-being. Chloe Thurlow
Sex spelled backwards is excess and that's how it should always be. Chloe Thurlow
Sex is a three letter word even the worst speller in the world can spell. Chloe Thurlow
Sex exists in the now without past or future. If, for a single second, your minds drifts back to the past or forwards into the unknown, the moment withers like a dead plant and the passage of pleasure turns to a road of dust. Chloe Thurlow
The quest of the alchemists to turn lead into gold is a metaphor for our attempts to turn the base metal of ourselves, that person hooked on consumerism, filled with angst and ambition, into the gold of what we can be and really are. Chloe Thurlow
If you are open to change and welcome surprise, you know the secret of creativity and the secret of life. Chloe Thurlow
You don't become a success by breaking the rules. You don't become a success by obeying the rules. You become a success by inventing the rules. Chloe Thurlow
There was a monster in me that had to be fed by success. There is a monster in us all that has to be fed by something. Chloe Thurlow
Depression comes from not accepting the way things are - and seeing no way too change them. Chloe Thurlow
It is in the nest of disappointment where depression lays its eggs. Chloe Thurlow
Little matters much and much doesn't matter at all. Chloe Thurlow
When you cut the cords on the safety net and walk out on the highwire, you become yourself and become all that you can be and all that you were meant to be. But first, you must cut the cords. Chloe Thurlow
The seed of all impulse is a feeling bursting to express itself in action. Chloe Thurlow
Life is a long road with lots of junctions and every time you chose to go one way, you may just have easily have gone the other. We don't make choices so much as choices are made like a new fashion we slip into without realising. Chloe Thurlow
Life is a juggling act with your own emotions. The trick is to always keep something in your hand and something in the air. Chloe Thurlow
A woman's heart and a woman's dreams are malleable and can change at any moment. It is the essence of being a woman. Chloe Thurlow
You can cross the Rubicon in a boat without getting wet, but surely, getting wet is the baptism before you begin that new life on the other side. Chloe Thurlow
It is at night when sleep like the outgoing sea leaves you dry and cold and the morning light arrives like a small punishment. Chloe Thurlow
Nothing is better than sex and nothing is exactly like it. Chloe Thurlow
Sex is about anticipation not culmination. Chloe Thurlow
A picture may describe a 1000 words but it will often need 1000 words to describe a picture. Chloe Thurlow
Just as you dress for the occasion you should undress when reading erotica. Chloe Thurlow
When you succumb to obedience, in an erotic sense, you are not giving away a part of yourself, but seeking something new, something other, within yourself. Chloe Thurlow
The erotic is not about nudity and nudity is rarely erotic. The erotic is subtle, a feeling, a gesture, a mood, a story frozen in the moment that holds you breathless waiting for the next moment. Understand this, and you understand the erotic. Chloe Thurlow
Beauty lies between the erotic and the tragic. Chloe Thurlow
Love is possession, a sort of vanity. Chloe Thurlow
There is a kind of truth in a well-told lie. When we look back, we don't see things as they were but how we would like them to have been. Chloe Thurlow
The hardest thing in the world is to be original. It seems like our heads are filled with banalities and clichés. You have to keep digging deeper and deeper to try and find a fresh new seam that hasn't been explored. Chloe Thurlow
Reading is sexy. Women who read are suspect. Women who write dangerous. Chloe Thurlow
I am made of words. When you cut me, I bleed sentences. When you read me, I speak to your soul. Chloe Thurlow
Writing is draining. Every word is like lifting a stone and levering it into place. Your head aches, your muscles ache and every word you conjure up is heavier than the last one. Chloe Thurlow
Writing isn't something you do because you feel like it. You never feel like it. You write because there's a rat in your brain chewing up the spirals of your DNA and you want to get the words down before they disappear. Chloe Thurlow
Drama copies life in there being a sense of waiting, of a promise never fulfilled. Chloe Thurlow
Inspiration comes from your writing. Thoughts meander subliminally through our subconscious, at night when we sleep the brain is working. In the act of writing, phrases come out and you think: wow, did I write this? Did I have that insight? Sometimes you know something is good, good within your own limits, and those parts make life worth living. Chloe Thurlow
A rubber doll with a microchip can imitate human flesh without human feeling. Porn leaves an emptiness inside. Erotica sets up a vibration in the mind that sends pulsing waves through the body. Chloe Thurlow
Life is not a test or a competition. We only compete with ourselves. Chloe Thurlow
Jealousy is only hurt ego. Revenge is meaningless. Life is abstract. There is no point other than pleasure. Chloe Thurlow
You must write as if each word is a precious drop of blood, or a tear to be saved in a glass phial. Chloe Thurlow
Every time you have an orgasm an angel comes to life.. Chloe Thurlow
Relationships are nine parts intuition, one part madness. Chloe Thurlow
Love and being in love are not the same. A woman takes the man she loves into her body and absorbs his oils and essence. A part of him enters her and becomes a part of her. Chloe Thurlow
Sometimes love is pastel. Sometimes love is black. And sometimes love is fiery red and you feel as if you are going to burn in the flames. Chloe Thurlow
Love and being in love are not the same thing. The woman takes the man she loves into her body and absorbs his oils and essence. A part of him enters her and becomes a part of her. Chloe Thurlow
What is love? Imagine a helium balloon tied down and then you cut the ropes on a windy day. That is love. Chloe Thurlow
I understood how strangers met and fell into bed, not how they met and fell in love. I wasn't sure what falling in love meant. The very notion seemed so corny, so arbitrary, so fragile. Chloe Thurlow