Quotes From "Journals" By Kurt Cobain

I would love to be erased from our association with Pearl Jam or the Nymphs and other first time offenders. Kurt Cobain
Words suck. I mean, every thing has been said. I can't remember the last real interesting conversation I've had in a long time. Words aren't as important as the energy derived from music, especially live. Kurt Cobain
Do your own thing. Others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you'll find yourself in late night cocktail lounge cover band limbo. Kurt Cobain
And I do, god, how I do love playing live, it's the most primal form of energy release you can share with other people besides having sex or taking drugs. So if you see a good live show on drugs and then later that evening have sex, you're basically covered all the bases of energy release, and we all need to let off steam. It's easier and safer than protesting abortion clinics or praising God or wanting to hurt your brother; so go to a show, dance around a bit and copulate. Kurt Cobain
I decided that in order to become a big famous rock star, I would need to write my very own songs instead of wasting my time learning other peoples music too much. It may act as an obstruction in developing your very own personal style. Kurt Cobain
Children know something that most people have forgotten. Keith Haring
It's my fault but the most violating thing I've felt this year is not the media exaggerations or the catchy gossip, but the rape of my personal thoughts. Kurt Cobain
I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own. Kurt Cobain