Quotes From "Frederica" By Georgette Heyer

If it comes to that, " retorted Frederica, with spirit, " I am continually shocked by the things you don't scruple to say to me, cousin! You are quite abominable! " He sighed. "Alas, I know it! The reflection gives me sleepless nights. Georgette Heyer
Bustle about Noddy, or we shant be in time to...
Bustle about Noddy, or we shant be in time to snabble any of the lobster patties. Georgette Heyer
Perhaps, ” murmured his lordship, “I yielded to a compassionate impulse.”“ A what?” gasped his best friend. “Oh, did you think I never did so?” said his lordship, the satirical glint in his eyes extremely pronounced. “You wrong me! I do, sometimes–not frequently, of course, but every now and then! Georgette Heyer
It has always seemed to me that if one falls in love with any gentleman one becomes instantly blind to his faults. But I am not blind to your faults, and I do not think that everything you do or say is right! Only–Is it being–not very comfortable–and cross–and not quite happy, when you aren’t there?” “That, my darling, ” said his lordship, taking her ruthlessly into his arms, “is exactly what it s! ” “Oh–! ” Frederica gasped, as she emerged from an embrace which threatened to suffocate her. “Now I know! I am in love! . Georgette Heyer
Believe me, it is quite unnecessary! I neither know nor care what it cost to redeem Lufra–and if you badger me on this very boring matter I shall not invite you to go with me when I try out my new team! ” There was a moment’s tense silence; then Jessamy raised his eyes, no longer glowing, but uncomfortably austere. “Very well, sir, ” he said quietly. “Will you tell me, if you please, what I owe you?”“ No, young Stiff-rump! I will not! . Georgette Heyer
Do you recall Fred Merriville?”She stared at him. “Fred Merriville? Pray, what has he to say to anything?”“ The poor fellow has nothing to say: he’s dead, alas! Georgette Heyer
You don’t understand! ” she exclaimed bitterly.“ That, ” said his lordship, with a touch of acidity, “is a foolish accusation which lacks even the saving grace of originality! Every generation, my child, has said, or thought, that the preceding one was devoid of understanding or experience. Georgette Heyer
But if Frederica was aware of my sentiments, and begged Cousin Alverstoke to intervene–! ” She shuddered, and clasped her hands tensely together. “You see, he could, Harry! He could arrange for Endymion to be sent abroad, for instance, and then I think I should die. Oh, my dear brother, there’s no one to help us but you, and I count on your support! Georgette Heyer
That drew a laugh from Jessamy, but he said, after a moment: “You had better flay me. It was my fault–all my fault! ”“ I was wondering how long it would be before you contrived to convince yourself that you were to blame, ” said Alverstoke caustically. “I haven’t the slightest wish to know how you arrived at such an addlebrained conclusion, so don’t put yourself to the trouble of telling me! . Georgette Heyer