Quotes From "Frankies Monster" By Rae Hachton

Hands that never touch. Lips that never meet. The Almost Lovers, never to be. Rae Hachton
The only thing that will ever be real, is this moment, ' I turned to the statue, 'when you made me feel alive, when you made me feel real, when I felt like you really love me. Now? I'm just your monster, Frankie. I will always be a monster. Rae Hachton
For there has never been a story nearly as tragic as the one of Frankenstein, except for that of Johnny Heart and his Francesca Valentine. Rae Hachton
Run, sweetheart, run. Rae Hachton
I've never wanted a heart as much as I want yours. Rae Hachton
We are all Romeos looking for our Juliet, but never finding her. Rae Hachton
When I kiss you, it will be THE kiss, not just A kiss. Rae Hachton
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and bit her bottom lip. I found it to be such an erotic gesture that it aroused me. My eyes began making love to her in the dark. Unseen hands passed over her curves, quietly descending..trembling at her great beauty. I didn't even know her, but I wanted her. My gaze danced over her every curve, from her nose and lips, to her breasts and hips, surreptitiously. She had no idea of my thoughts. Shadow sex. Rae Hachton