Quotes From "For The Love Of Sophia: Wisdom Stories From Around The World And Across The Ages" By David W. Jones

What is the secret of your serenity?” a student asked Sophia “Wholehearted cooperation with the inevitable, ” she replied. David W. Jones
Sophia was asked to speak to the students of a local medical school. “ Sophia, what do we need to be better doctors?” the students asked. “ Doctors, ” Sophia said, “need strong stomachs and strong powers of observation.” Then she opened a canister. The putrid smell quickly moved through the classroom. Sophia stuck a finger in the jar, pulled it up, and then licked it. She passed the jar around encouraging each doctor in training to do the same. Each did, and though many felt nauseas, no one got sick. “ You all have very strong stomachs, ” she said. “But your powers of observation need some work.” “ What do you mean?” they asked. “We did just what you did.” “ There is one difference, ” she replied. “The finger I dipped in the jar was not the finger I licked. David W. Jones
Sophia sat in meditation on the riverbank when a student bent down to place two enormous pearls at her feet as a gift. She opened her eyes to see the pearls. She picked one up, but dropped it. It rolled down the hill upon which she was sitting and into the river. The student chased after it and looked all afternoon, diving, coming up for air, diving back down. “ Sophia, ” he asked. “Could you show me where it went in? I can’t find it.” “ Right there, ” she said throwing the other pearl in the river. David W. Jones