Quotes From "Food: A Love Story" By Jim Gaffigan

In America we have gone way beyond sustenance. Eating is an activity. 'Why don’t we get lunch, and then we’ll grab some pizza. Jim Gaffigan
There are people who eat only organic food, and then there are people who don’t have tons of money to waste. Jim Gaffigan
I love the phrase "I have a sweet tooth." I always want to say, "You're ordering it for your tooth? That's interesting, because it's going straight to your butt. I think your butt owed your tooth an explanation. Jim Gaffigan
How did we get to the point where we're paying for bottled water? I imagine it was some weird marketing meeting over in France. Jim Gaffigan
I was only hit on once at the grocery store. I remember it was early one Saturday morning and I was buying my daily bacon, when I got tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and I saw a rather short and very feeble eighty-year-old lady looking up at me. She said in a weak, scratchy voice, "Excuse me, young man, could you reach up and grab some ketchup for me?" Well I'm no dummy. I know when I'm getting hit on. I smiled politely and reached up for the ketchup, knowing full well that she just wanted to get a gander at my derriere. As I handed her the ketchup, she said, "Thank you, " like I was some piece of meat, a boy toy, or something. Finally I just blurted out, "Look, I'm married, lady! " She acted all surprised and confused. "Excuse me? I don't understand! " I shook my head with a smirk, raised my left hand, and showed her my wedding ring. "Married! " I loudly told her. "I'm taken! " A stock boy at the end of the aisle looked at us and inquired, "Is everything okay?" "I'm fine, " I assured him. "I know how to deal with predators." Well, suddenly this sex-crazed lady got all angry at me. Like I was out of line. She huffed off. "Well, I never! " "And you ain't gonna with me either, " I yelled after her. I have to admit, it was nice to get the attention. . Jim Gaffigan