Quotes From "Eat! Empower Adjust Triumph!: Lose Ridiculous Weight Succeed On Any Diet Plan Bust Through Any Plateau In 3..." By Nancy S. Mure

Eating a can be the weight that pulls you under...
Eating a can be the weight that pulls you under or the life raft. It's your choice. Nancy S. Mure
Your life, your health and your weight are 80% due...
Your life, your health and your weight are 80% due to what you eat, and 20% due to activity level, sunlight exposure, stress levels and adequate rest. Nancy S. Mure
You are made of the same minerals as the rocks--the...
You are made of the same minerals as the rocks--the same water as the sea. You grow in the sun. You breathe air cleansed by trees. When are you going to get the message that you're a part of Nature? Nancy S. Mure
Disobey God and you are forgiven. Disobey Nature and you get disease. Nancy S. Mure
If Nature brought you to it. Nature will get you through it. Nancy S. Mure
Mother Nature is relentless and forward. When we do not live according to her laws she rewards us with disease. Nancy S. Mure
Pregnancy is a natural event, but you lessen the chances conception can occur with an unnatural diet. Nancy S. Mure
It's a lie to sell a diet plan that includes fast and processed foods, then implement a points system. A big. fat. lie. Nancy S. Mure
Are you going to hand your children over to Big Food, Big Med and Big Pharma? That journey begins with the choice to bottle feed, then it's all down hill from there. Nancy S. Mure
The natural cure for sterility is a natural diet along with a home toxin detox. Nancy S. Mure
Start from where you are. Empower yourself. Adjust habits. Triumph over those habits -- this is how we EAT folks! This is how it's done! Nancy S. Mure
Eating is more than a fix, it's nature's way to nourish cells -- it's a way to extend life. Don't give a natural body unnatural food. Nancy S. Mure
I don't mind the term functional medicine -- I suppose it's better than dysfunctional medicine. Unknown
Your health is a testament to your life. The better your quality of health, in all likelihood the longer your life. Nancy S. Mure