Quotes From "Discovering Hope: Beginning The Journey Toward Hope In Chronic Illness" By Cindee Snider Re

And that afternoon, as the sun slanted low through the...
And that afternoon, as the sun slanted low through the changing autumn leaves, I remembered to savor the moment, soak in the beauty, breathe deeply and feel the immensity of God. Cindee Snider Re
Chronic illness is hard. Pain is hard. Isolation is hard. The financial cost is hard. Grieving is hard and necessary and sometimes takes far longer than we every imagined. Cindee Snider Re
Recently God asked me the same question in a new way, "And if I don't allow you to heal, if I never remove the pain, will you still trust Me? Cindee Snider Re
What if illness - the stripping away of our health, our dreams, our understanding of who we are and what our future holds - is really a gift - God offering Himself to us unencumbered by all the noise, all the things that clutter our hearts and so easily fill our days? Because what if that quiet, stripped-away space is where hope is found? Where God leans in close whispering love to our weary souls until it becomes as familiar as the beating of our own hearts? . Cindee Snider Re
Could our plodding, our daily persevering through a life we didn't expect, don't want and didn't choose, actually bring blessing? Cindee Snider Re
We can feel isolated and powerless when living with chronic illness, but what if your story begins to bridge the barrier or open a way for someone to connect? What if your story offers a glimmer of hope to someone standing at the edge of desolation?. ..What if your story starts the conversation? Cindee Snider Re
Sharing our stories is a vital part of doing life together. The disciples shared their stories and changed the world, not because they were extraordinary men, but because they told about an extraordinary God. Cindee Snider Re