Quotes From "Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond The Bounds Of Reason" By Caroline Myss

Forgiveness is a mystical act, not a reasonable one. Caroline Myss
Manipulating or controlling others through the use of one's illness or suffering, for example, was-and remains-extremely effective for people who find they cannot be direct in their interactions, Who argues with someone who is in pain? And if pain is the only power a person has, health is not an attractive replacement. It was apparent to me that becoming healthy represented more than just getting over an illness. Health represented a complex progression into a state of personal empowerment in which one had to move from a condition of vulnerability to one of invincibility, from victim to victor, from silent bystander to aggressive defender of personal boundaries. Completing this race to the finish was a yeoman's task if ever there was one. Indeed, in opening the psyche and soul to the healing process, we had expanded the journey of wellness into one of personal transformation."- . Caroline Myss