Quotes From "Chasing Danger" By Katie Reus

She'd taken one look at him the first time they'd met and it was like her body had just erupted into a ball of heat and hunger. Katie Reus
He was so damn sexy, with beautiful bronzed skin that showed off his Mediterranean heritage. Katie Reus
When Dax turned to her, those blue eyes that reminded her of the Aegean Sea pinning her, all thought process left her mind. Katie Reus
Oh yeah, she wanted to be this man's prey in every way. She'd felt his brand of dominance and wanted more of it. Katie Reus
From the safety of his BMW with tinted windows, he watched Hannah Young pull out of her parking space, seemingly in a hurry to leave work. He'd hoped to catch her alone, but the garage was too busy right now. He wasn't out of place at all, but he couldn't have made a move against her without someone noticing. And following her from the hospital wasn't an option. Traffic in Miami was too thick this time of day. Something told him she'd notice if he tailed her. Hannah was far too smart for her own good. She'd seen something she shouldn't have, and unfortunately he needed to eliminate her. It wasn't something he relished doing, but it came down to his life or hers. . Katie Reus
Are you trying to tell me you were a virgin before me?" she asked teasingly.. He snorted at the question. "I just wanted to give you fair warning that I'm going to fuck up. Probably a lot." She shrugged, seemingly unfazed. "Me too. That's what relationships are about. We'll argue, then have incredible make-up sex. And as long as you always concede that I'm right after an argument, we'll be fine. . Katie Reus
She was different from any other women he'd been with. Something he'd known from the moment he'd met her and she'd made a smart-ass comment about him looking like GI Joe on vacation. Katie Reus
Her lips curved up then, as if she liked his answer. “Are you working tomorrow?” Dax nodded. “Yeah. Training stuff.” He was running weapons-training exercises with three of his guys and a small team of DEA agents. They liked to do joint operations, especially in Miami, where there was a smorgasbord of government agencies. But he couldn’t tell her that.“ When do you get off?” The way she said “get off” brought up all sorts of images. Hannah must have read his expression, because she shook her head. “Pervert, ” she muttered. He grinned, liking the camaraderie between them, as if part of that wall she’d erected had been knocked down. Katie Reus