Quotes From "Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential" By Ilchi Lee

If we don’t see real changes in the world, it simply means we are not serious enough about creating those changes. We cannot a! ord to entertain superficial changes any more. The changes we need should be deep, real, and thorough. Ilchi Lee
When you make choices, please remember: what is good for you but not good for others won’t be good for you either, eventually; what’s good for you and others but not good for the Earth won’t be good for you or others either, eventually; what’s good for you, others, and the Earth will be good for all. Ilchi Lee
Our world desperately needs change. We all know this. The scope of the change ranges from our lifestyles to the direction of our civilization. When we acknowledge our greatness and start living it, when we open our hearts to the natural kindness and the caring for all beings that resides within us, all these necessary transformations can begin. Ilchi Lee
When you want something and you don’t have it, it may be a cause of stress to you. However, if we reflect on how we came to have things that were not there originally, we can be excited, delighted, and grateful that we want something even before we have it. Seen from this perspective, wanting something–or more specifically, being able to want something while it is not there yet–is already a gift in itself. ! is is why we offer gratitude. . Ilchi Lee
Even though consciousness doesn’t seem to be confined to the human brain within the skull, we do experience consciousness through our brain. The transformation of consciousness to attention is facilitated by your brain. Driving thoughts into action is also processed by your brain. Your brain is the seat of the creative observer inside you. Ilchi Lee
Awareness in its pure state is nonlocal; there’s no focal point in it. It is unbounded. Awareness, when managed and directed, becomes attention. By turning into attention, awareness becomes localized, and attains a focal point. Because of this feature, attention has the power to direct energy. Ilchi Lee
Where do we begin this process of reevaluation of values? It makes sense to begin with our mind, which is the tool we use to evaluate. Once we make sure it is functioning as it should, we can feel confident in using it to think about our beliefs and priorities. Ilchi Lee
Conscience is the true power. It resides within us. The intention to be absolutely truthful and the willingness to put the benefit of all before personal benefit hold the power to change the world. ! is intention and willingness is of course ethical choice, but it is also the most natural, reasonable, and intelligent choice when we realize what we really are. If people begin to use the full power of conscience in all the choices they make in their everyday life, from presidential elections to purchasing things in the grocery store, the world will change. Ilchi Lee
Basically it is your choice. No matter what spiritual path you have taken, no matter what experiences you have had, choice is still choice. Spiritual development doesn’t happen automatically. It is choosing the eye of Tao that sees both the whole view of things from a distance and the core of reality from deep inside. Ilchi Lee
In order to recognize the Truth, you have to separate yourself from the Truth; and to explain the Truth, you have to separate yourself from the recognition. This is why a wordsmithed Truth is nothing but a shadow of the shadow of the Truth. If Buddha had yawned instead of holding up a fower, would that gesture have been any less representative of the Truth? Ilchi Lee
When you become healthy, courageous, and hopeful, following your conscience becomes much easier. When people are healthy, courageous, and hopeful, it's difficult to bend their mind and will. They will speak out what they believe, and stand up and do what is right even when it means a loss to them. Ilchi Lee
It's a wonderful paradox: only when you have a changeless sense of who you are, can real changes take place. It is the ground of your absolute value and everything that is truly worthwhile. Ilchi Lee
Observing is not just seeing. It is watching with attention. Ilchi Lee
.. . if you close your eyes and begin to feel your breath, it will instantly become deeper and slower, and your mind will become calmer. Then gradually you'll become aware of your body, or more precisely the subtle sense of energy inside and around your body. At that moment, you exist as Energy-Consciousness, not as names, jobs, duties, roles, desires, and so on. Ilchi Lee
With the muscle of integrity, we can turn intention into powerful action. That's how we can earn trust form our conscience, and can truly believe in ourselves. Ilchi Lee
By balancing your breathing, you can control your emotions and calm your mind. From the quiet mind arises the wisdom and insight that help you make good choices. Ilchi Lee
When we acknowledge our greatness and start living it, when we open our hearts to the natural kindness and caring for all beings that resides within us, all these necessary transformations can begin. Ilchi Lee
Many people, through diverse spiritual practices and disciplines have sought enlightenment. Various phenomena, some of them potentially quite captivating, may occur along the path of spiritual development whether it leads to true enlightenment or not. They can be helpful if used wisely, but are neighed the sign of enlightenment nor the requirements for enlightenment. These can includes extrasensory perception (sometimes called ESP), remote viewing, or "miraculous" healing. However, the essence of enlightenment, above and beyond all phenomena, is a big understanding, which gives you a deep and wide perspective to see the world as a whole, and a capacity to accept with compassion all that is. Ilchi Lee
By acknowledging and accepting the ultimate commonality, we can naturally and voluntarily develop the attitude of compassion and benevolence toward other people, other life-forms, and all beings. We will want to live for the good of all because we know that's the way we benefit ourselves, too. Ilchi Lee
If you say one thing, and do something different, how can your conscience trust you? Self-trust comes from integrity. Ilchi Lee
At this time in history, sick, afraid, and despondent are the general conditions that affect the majority of poeple almost everywhere. It's difficult and challenging to follow the call of conscience when we're under the dark veil of these forces. At the same time, it's painful not to follow it. When you become healthy, courageous, and hopeful, following your conscience becomes easier. When people are healthy, courageous, and hopeful, it's difficult to bend their mind and will. You can't force them to do what you'd like them to do against their will. They will speak out what they believe, and stand up and do what is right even when it means a loss to them. I am hopeful because I have witnessed this change throughout my life. From the realization of what I really am, I became hopeful, courageous, and passionate for life, and I felt responsible for the general condition of humanity and the Earth because they are not separate from me. Ilchi Lee
Recognizing Nothing as one's true nature, following the guidance of our conscience - having a clear distinction between absolute and relative values, and using the Earth as the external absolute scale that matches the internal absolute truthfulness. Ilchi Lee
Even when we have realized oneness and nothingness, we still have our personal lives to manage, bodies to take care of, and mouths to feed, and you will know which one is yours and which ones are others', so you won't put food into another person's mouth when you are hungry. Also you won't kiss a rattlesnake or hug a cactus no matter how strong an affinity you feel toward them. But at the same time, we know these apparent separations are functional, not fundamental, and should be recognized as such without mistaking one for the other. I would call this apparent separation "functional ego, " or you can call it your "character, " which is the collection of your beliefs, habits, and other people's expectations. . Ilchi Lee
If a change in our lives require individually or socially painful sacrifices, it will be difficult to put into effect no matter how necessary that change might be. However, if we start down the road of transformation with simple, enjoyable, and tangible changes, we will soon be prepared to tackle larger issues. Ilchi Lee
...we can choose to be truthful even when the choice means personal loss. We can choose to undertake a great action - unselfish, courageous, daringly creative - that looks unreasonable and irrational to the eye of the Ego. Ilchi Lee
That absolute, ultimate reality is always there within us (as it is everywhere else, as well). whether we are aware of it or not, it is there, like the sun shining behind the clouds, invisible because of the clouds, but undeniably there. The sun of our inner nature, the LifeParticle Sun, is always shining, whether we see it or not. And because it is already there, we don't need to create or achieve it. We just have to acknowledge it. Ilchi Lee
.. . when you are stressed, if you take three deep breaths before you say or do anything, this will help prevent you from making choices you might regret later. Ilchi Lee
Conscience is the manifestation of our divine nature, the absolute truthfulness that we all have inside, that resides beyond the instinctive desire to survive. Ilchi Lee
For most people, meditation is associated with relaxation and peace of mind, and these are the practical reasons many people seek out, learn, and practice meditation. However, relaxation and peace of mind are only half of the uses of meditation. The other, probably more important aspect, is for creation. Ilchi Lee
With the muscles of our body, we can lift and move heavy things. With the muscle of integrity, we can turn intention into powerful action. That’s how we can earn trust from our conscience, and can truly believe in ourselves. Ilchi Lee
Our true nature doesn’t need any explanation or demonstration to know itself. It just knows because knowing is part of its nature. Ilchi Lee
Conscience, the divine nature within us, sees everything as connected, what’s good for all is always its priority. Ilchi Lee
Breathing is the master key of life. Ilchi Lee
The ancient teaching of Tao tells us that knowing what you really are is wisdom, and living it is virtue. Ilchi Lee
The intention to be absolutely truthful and the willingness to put the benefit of all before personal benefit hold the power to change the world. Ilchi Lee
The essence of enlightenment … is a big understanding, which gives you a deep and wide perspective to see the world as a whole, and a capacity to accept with compassion all that is. 11/26 Ilchi Lee
What is enlightenment? In the Korean tradition of Tao, it is known a Mu-Ah (Mu means “No” or “Nothing” and Ah means “Me”). It is no-me-ness, or egoless-ness. It means realizing the true, unchanging nature of the person you happen to be. Ilchi Lee
Behind our behaviors are our beliefs. They determine how we think things are and what is possible. The foundation of these beliefs is our conception of who we are, whether we are conscious of it or not. Ilchi Lee
Thoughts become things through action. The most powerful tool for creating changes in your life is attention and action. No action means no creation. Ilchi Lee
Meditation is a powerful way to enhance your attention, develop your ability to think mindfully, and to use the unlimited creative potential of your mind. Ilchi Lee
Action is something you do purposefully with attention. If you really want something, you will use as much energy for it, and you will use it through action. Ilchi Lee
The universe likes change. All that appears solid and substantial is built on the shifting sands of ceaseless transformation on the quantum level. Ironically, that’s the one steady factor about the universe - it is always changing, which means our efforts to change are supported by the very nature of Life. Ilchi Lee
The only thing you need to be present here and now is your breathing. When you feel your breath, your mind is with your body. Ilchi Lee
When your breath is slow and deep, your mind calm, raise your hands and focus on your palms. You will feel the subtle energy that connects body and mind: LifeParticles. Ilchi Lee
Be aware of your breathing and breathe naturally. This will lead you into unity with the great flow of Life, your true nature. Ilchi Lee
The deeper and slower your breathing becomes, the more space you will create inside you. Eventually, it will become so big that all your thoughts and emotions look trivial in the vastness of your inner space. Ilchi Lee
By attuning your breathing, you can become one with the natural rhythm of life that flows through you all the time. Ilchi Lee
You are infinite intelligence, creativity and Energy-Consciousness which gives you the power and wisdom to attain fulfillment and completion in life. Ilchi Lee
The moment you choose your vision, great confliction comes along. You have confliction even if you don't choose the vision. Our soul grows not by living life within a small confliction, but rather living with big conflictions inside a big vision. A soul with a vision can succeed. Ilchi Lee
Some changes we can control, but we find that many things are inseparably wired into the life we share in local, national, and global communities. For example, the healthy lifestyle you are determined to live and take to be a personal choice of which you have control, is heavily influenced and limited by the culture and industries of the communities you belong to. Ilchi Lee