Quotes From "Breaking Her Rules" By Katie Reus

Wyatt pushed out a rough breath. "You're going to make this no-sex thing impossible, aren't you?" She grinned and snagged another bite for herself. "Not any more than you're going to make it for me. Katie Reus
If you're courting me, you have to tell me something about yourself that no one else knows." He was silent for a moment. "I'd rather jerk-off to thoughts of you than be with anyone else. Katie Reus
She raised an eyebrow. "You're very sure of yourself." " When I want something, I go for it and I don't let anything stand in my way." He was silent for a moment as they stared at each other. She knew he was talking about more than the deal and damn her traitorous body, her nipples tightened at the thought of being on the receiving end of his pursuing nature. Katie Reus
This was definitely unchartered territory. Iris wasn't like other women. She was tough, sexy but didn't flaunt it, and she sure as hell didn't give a shit about his money. If anything it seemed to bother her. And now she was busy working as a bodyguard for him. Katie Reus
He shrugged those broad shoulders, drawing her gaze to them. She couldn't help but undress him with her eyes, remembering every hot inch of his naked body. Unfortunately he knew what she was doing. " All you have to do is ask and I'll take my clothes off. Katie Reus
Iris arched her back, pushing her breast farther into Wyatt's hungry mouth. Water from the giant marble-tiled hotel shower rushed down over them, the sound of it hitting the glass door seeming loud in the enclosure. He lightly pressed down with his teeth and tugged her nipple, sending a pulsing sweep of need through her. The man was too talented with his tongue. Katie Reus
Wyatt Christiansen is the client." Iris tensed at his words. Hearing Wyatt's name from her boss completely threw her off balance. If Wyatt wanted to hire Red Stone that meant he needed extra security. She hated the thought of him in danger. Without giving her a chance to respond, Harrison barreled on. "I don't like the idea of you guarding him, especially since I found out you two are fucking married. It goes against protocol, but..my father owes him a favor and he's apparently collecting. Katie Reus