Quotes From "Breakfast In The Temple" By David Paul Kirkpatrick

More than happiness or joy or lower blood pressure, the practice of God’s presence gives us meaning. Through this practice we become more closely aligned with Jesus and we learn His desire for us more completely. Life can be hard. The Practice of The Presence of God makes it easier. As Brother Lawrence said, “There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. David Paul Kirkpatrick
God requires solitude and quiet — this is part of the way He instructs us to pray to Him. We are obligated through our Love to worship Him as He sees fit. This is not the law. This is the language of Love: we love Him in the way He chooses for us to Love Him. David Paul Kirkpatrick
The devout life does not solely entail living as a monk or ascetic, though that is fine. The devout life requires bringing God into all things. David Paul Kirkpatrick
When in doubt, look to Jesus. David Paul Kirkpatrick
He is Jesus, only. God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus. Jesus is what God wanted us to know and to love. He is not Napoleon the Great. He is not Alexander the Great. He is Jesus only. He is enough. My purpose in life is to worship Jesus and, in so doing, become more Christ-like David Paul Kirkpatrick
The greatest gift we have ever received, and ever will or could receive, is the Spirit of God Himself. He enters the essence of our human form and changes us from within. He fills us with joy, love and peace. He subdues our passions and transforms our very being into the likeness of Christ. David Paul Kirkpatrick
While the Holy Spirit is hidden, He is never, ever absent David Paul Kirkpatrick