Quotes From "Blank Slate" By Tiffany Snow

Before she could think, he bent his head and was kissing her, only this wasn't anything like the chaste kiss she'd gave him. His mouth slanted across hers, demanding her response. Soft and warm, his tongue brushed against the tender skin. With a sigh, Clarissa parted her lips and he quickly took advantage, deepening their kiss. His hand cupped the back of her head and his fingers tangled in her hair, while his other arm around her waist locked her against him. Clarissa twined her arms around his neck and felt the cold wall of the house at her back as he pressed her into it. Her pulse raced as their kiss became even more heated, each second that passed marking time they didn't have. Langston's tongue stroked hers in a dance that set fire to her blood. The shadow of whiskers on his face softly abraded her skin. His hair was silky, and she couldn't resist from pushing her fingers into the thick strands, which he must have liked, judging by the masculine groan that met her ears. When he finally lifted his head, both of them were breathing hard. Tiffany Snow
Erik got to his feet, aware of her watching him, and tried not to preen at the frank admiration in her eyes. Preening was not manly. Tiffany Snow
Here, you drive, " Erik said." What? Why?""In case we do have to start shooting; I have a badge and you don't, " he explained." Fine. But for the record, I'm a better shot than you are."" For your information, I was the youngest kid awarded the rifle shooting merit badge in my troop, " Erik said, holding the wheel as she climbed across him." Is that supposed to impress me?"" Just enough to get you back into my bed." She took over the gas pedal and Erik slid out from underneath her." It takes more than fancy shooting, " she said loftily, making a sharp turn. Erik was thrown against the door. "Would you warn me before you do that?"" It's a car chase!. Tiffany Snow
So what do you do for sex? Just one-night stands? Or do you play a lot of five-on-one?" -- Clarissa Tiffany Snow
He was an FBI agent. She was a wanted fugitive. To think the would be together was like saying maybe a shark could go vegetarian. It just wasn't going to happen. Tiffany Snow