Quotes From "Bellwether" By Connie Willis

Don't they know science doesn't work like that? You can't just order scientific breakthroughs. They happen when you are looking at something you've been working on for years and suddenly see a connection you never noticed before, or when you're looking for something else altogether. Sometimes they even happen by accident. Don't they know you can't get a scientific breakthrough just because you want one?. Connie Willis
Eureka! "s like the one Archimedes had when he stepped in a bathtub and suddenly realized the answer to the problem of testing metals' density are few and far between, and mostly it's just trying and failing and trying something else, feeding in data and eliminating variables and staring at the results, trying to figure out where you went wrong. Connie Willis
Why do only the awful things become fads? I thought....
Why do only the awful things become fads? I thought. Eye-rolling and Barbie and bread pudding. Why never chocolate cheesecake or thinking for yourself? Connie Willis
What's Management up to?" I whispered to Bennett."My guess is a new acronym, " he whispered. "Departmental Unification Management Business." He wrote down the ltters on his legal pad. "D.U.M.B. Connie Willis
It was about a girl who helps an ugly old woman who turns out to be a good fairy in disguise. Inner values versus shallow appearances. Connie Willis
Management cares about only one thing. Paperwork. They will forgive almost anything else - cost overruns, gross incompetence, criminal indictments - as long as the paperwork's filled out properly. And in on time. Connie Willis
Management is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt they don't have enough to do, " she murmured back. "So they've invented a new acronym. Connie Willis