Quotes From "Behind The Scenes At The Museum" By Kate Atkinson

Get down, ' Bunty says grimly. 'Mummy's thinking.' (Although what...
Get down, ' Bunty says grimly. 'Mummy's thinking.' (Although what Mummy's actually doing is wondering what it would be like if her entire family was wiped out and she could start again.) Kate Atkinson
Patricia embraces me on the station platform. 'The past is what you leave behind in life, Ruby, ' she says with the smile of a reincarnated lama. 'Nonsense, Patricia, ' I tell her as I climb on board my train. 'The past's what you take with you. Kate Atkinson
But I know nothing; my future is a wide-open vista, leading to an unknown country - The Rest Of My Life. Kate Atkinson
In the end, it is my belief, words are the only things that can construct a world that makes sense. Kate Atkinson
The past is a cupboard full of light and all you have to do is find the key that opens the door. Kate Atkinson
The past is what you take with you. Kate Atkinson