Quotes From "Bambi" By Felix Salten

Bambi was inspired, and said trembling, "There is Another who is over us all, over us and over Him. Felix Salten
The most dreadful part of all, " the old stag answered, "is that the dogs believe what the hound just said. They believe it, they pass their lives in fear, they hate Him and themselves and yet they'd die for His sake. Felix Salten
What do you want? What do you know about it? What are you talking about? Everything belongs to Him, just as I do. But I, I love Him. I worship Him, I serve Him. Do you think you can oppose Him, poor creatures like you? He's all-powerful. He's above all of you. Everything we have comes from Him. Everything that lives or grows comes from Him. Felix Salten
...I'm just beginning to understand how kind you are. Felix Salten