Quotes From "All The Missing Girls" By Megan Miranda

But here, the rain was just another part of the landscape. Like it was the thing that lived here and we were merely visitors. Megan Miranda
If there's a feeling to home, it's this. A place where there are no secrets, where nothing stays buried; not the past and not yourself. Where you can be all the versions of you, see it all reflected back at you as you walk the same stairs, the same halls, the same rooms. Feel the ghost of your mother as you sit at the kitchen table, hear the words of your father circling round and round after dinner, and your brother stopping by, wishing you'd be a little better, a little stronger.. It's four walls echoing back everything you've ever been and everything you've ever done, and it's the people who stay despite it all. Through it all. For it all. . Megan Miranda
I miss it like an ex-con misses the other inmates. Megan Miranda