Quotes From "All I Did Was Shoot My Man" By Walter Mosley

There are as many kinds of love as there are flowers and bugs put together but men and women and their needs are all the same. Walter Mosley
Kit [Carson Kitteridge] watched me for a few moments before saying, "That was some impressive killing you did. Naked too."" I hope I didn't embarrass Office Palmer.""She said that after all she heard about you she thought your johnson would be bigger."" Tell her that the air conditioner was on. Walter Mosley
I wondered if I could just drop the role I carried like a mantle of a dethroned prince. Walter Mosley
The girl was cinnamon colored in the way of Native America after it had been raped by Europe. Walter Mosley
I don’t give a fuck what you’re trying to do or what you want. I’d send your ass away if you were a white man with a red ribbon tied around your dick. Walter Mosley
It's not that racism doesn't exist. Lots of people in New York, and elsewhere, hate because of color and gender, religion and national origin. It's just that I rarely worry about those things because there's a real world underneath all that nonsense; a world that demands my attention almost every second of the day. Racism is a luxury in a world where resources are scarce, where economic competition is an armed sport, in a world where even the atmosphere is plotting against you. In an arena like that racism is more of a halftime entertainment, a favorite sitcom when the day is done. Walter Mosley