Quotes From "Above" By Isla Morley

Yesterday I soared above the clouds. Today I'll walk the...
Yesterday I soared above the clouds. Today I'll walk the earth again. Anthony T. Hincks
IF you can fly above the CLOUD of politics, the...
IF you can fly above the CLOUD of politics, the storm is not for you. -Harrish Sairaman
Having faith does not mean you should be idle and...
Having faith does not mean you should be idle and expecting manna to fall from above. You must get up and do something! Israelmore Ayivor
Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as...
Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as above so below and as inside so outside and live accordingly. Grigoris Deoudis
I don't dream of a ceiling fan which is always...
I don't dream of a ceiling fan which is always here spinning above my head. I dream of a cool weather Munia Khan
If you are in Christ, then you have the heavenly position of His authority and operate on this earth in His name as someone who is from above Sunday Adelaja
I may not have a world of things, I may not have the biggest wings, What I do have is a heart of love, Because I trust the One above Charmaine J Forde
In a world of lovelightning and rainbow are lovers now. They arc and strike upon the horizon of credence to rise above their cloudy vow Munia Khan
Life is head and shoulders above all other things we regard as precious in this world. Sunday Adelaja
When reality hurts, make sure to soar above the dream-stained sky! Munia Khan
One of these days, will become a this day. And that day, will be the preeminent of days to come. Anthony Liccione
The Master doesn't try to be powerful;thus he is truly powerful. The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;thus he never has enough. The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always ding things, yet many more are left to be done.[…] Therefore the Master concerns himself With the depths and not the surface, With the fruit and not the flower.[…] Teaching without words, Performing without actions: That is the Master’s way.[…] The Master arrives without leaving, Sees the light without looking, Achieves without doing a thing.[…] The Master is above the people, And no one feels oppressed. She goes ahead of the people, And no feels manipulated. The whole world is grateful to her. Because she completes with no one, No one can complete with her. . Lao Tzu
Whatever is above will be managed by the powers above you. Don’t live as a man, pretending to be God. Do what you can do; leave what you can’t to God! Israelmore Ayivor
You may have been born on the rubbish damp. But be careful not to believe that the rubbish damp was born in you! Your environment may try to set conditions that may attempt their fingers on crippling you. But you got to stand and say "I thank you Lord that I am rising against and above my limitations Israelmore Ayivor
God has privileged us, in Christ Jesus, to live above the "Ordinary" human plane of life. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath! Pazaria Smith
Adversity is a school that you need not apply to be enrolled. It has no respect for age, wealth, education, race, power, fame or beauty. It is a school among schools and every human being passes through the school in one format or the other. It is also possible to attend the post graduate department without your consent. You can never attend the school and be the same again. It will change you and purge you of all the things you think that you know. It will bring you to a leveling far beyond all your imaginations. You may also be required to repeat a class with different course or instructors. Unknown
The desperate piercing scream of horror echoed far above the sharpened tops of the trees wrapped in thin obsidian-transparent mist, and I startled jerkily, tripping again, and almost collapsed onto the cold moist ground. Simona Panova
You know, darkness is a funny thing. Little by little, it creeps up on you and before you know it, you can’t escape it Mackie Burt
The only difference between you and the star is that you shine below, and the other shines above: Wherever you are located, You are a star! Michael Bassey Johnson
Wise is the woman who rises above her circumstances. Liz Curtis Higgs
Mykl d’ Angelo groaned where he sat slumped in his chair. The irritating noise was unsettling his pet dog lying on his lap. The wickerwork garden chair creaked pleasantly under him and some native Earth birds made pleasant sounds above while the cool wind wafted over him as he lazily … Christina Engela
Above the sky, everything is beautiful, but alone. (Au-dessus du ciel, - Tout est beau, mais seul) Charles De Leusse
When you are dead you are independent, when you are alive your always dependent. It really doesn't matter are you there or there there is somebody above you, always! Deyth Banger
To understand me you should reach my level at my game, so far you are somewhere down I am above. Deyth Banger