Quotes From "A Writers Year Fennels Journal No 3" By Fennel Hudson

Walk free from the long shadows cast by small people.
Walk free from the long shadows cast by small people. Fennel Hudson
What I am interested in, what I write and care about, exists in the slow lane, somewhere between hand-ploughed fields and a pint of real ale. Fennel Hudson
Eyesight can be so blinding. We need to look beyond the face of things. Fennel Hudson
There’s no such thing as writer’s block, so long as you’ve had plenty of time to think about what you want to write. Fennel Hudson
The process of creation begins way before one starts writing. Fennel Hudson
I needed some space to lay myself out, so that I could decide which pieces I wanted to pick up. Fennel Hudson
Imagination is the real magic that exists in this world. Look inwards, to see outwards. And capture it in writing. Fennel Hudson
A consultant: someone brought in to build a one-handled wheelbarrow. Fennel Hudson
Sentiments, as I have found, can be harvested from places where our memories are fondest. Fennel Hudson
If we have faith, then we can see the beauty around us. If we don’t then we are just blind followers, not knowing why we are on the path. Fennel Hudson
Wear your heart on your sleeve. Write about what you think and feel. And share it with your friends. Fennel Hudson
Think about it: send SLASH receive. Email is the frenzied killer of proper communication. Fennel Hudson
Creative people need strong encouragement. Fennel Hudson
Nature or nurture? A talent needs both. Fennel Hudson
Confront the page that taunts you with its whiteness. Face your enemy and fill it with words. You are bigger and stronger than a piece of paper. Fennel Hudson
Writing ink is the magic that allows nothing to become something. It catches the fleeting idea and seeks out the glances of those who wish to see. Even a random ink splat will mean something to someone. Fennel Hudson
Look back, but never look down. Fennel Hudson
The pen that was once a gift has come to represent all that I hope to achieve. Fennel Hudson
Never interrupt an author when he or she is ‘in the zone’, else you’ll understand the real meaning of ‘writer’s nib’. Fennel Hudson
Being an author is to have a toe in the creative pool and a foot in the vat of commerce. Fennel Hudson
Editing one’s writing is as easy as lighting a match while riding a bicycle. Fennel Hudson
If a pen can communicate our thoughts, dreams, and emotions and be the voice of our soul, then ink is the medium that carries the message. Fennel Hudson
A pen that has clocked up a million words, a lifetime’s memories, is worth more than the centrepiece in a jeweller’s window. Fennel Hudson
Where the writing takes place doesn’t matter to a publisher, but it matters a great deal to the author. Fennel Hudson
What compels me to write now is the same as all those years ago. It is the love of writing and storytelling, driven by a desire to escape. Fennel Hudson
I wasn’t born to fetch, or sit, or accept a beating. I’m here to be me, to write, and know my purpose. Fennel Hudson
It’s ironic that those who lack self-confidence are often the ones who find it hardest to say no. Fennel Hudson
We are all Clapping Monkeys, but while some of us smile, others look around to see if anyone has noticed. Fennel Hudson
Why should we change that which makes us unique? Fennel Hudson
The thing that matters most is what matters to you, not anybody else. Fennel Hudson
If, like me, you suffer from lack of self-confidence you’ll know that the term is made up of two conflicting words, and that confidence isn’t easily found in the self. Fennel Hudson
Progress isn’t always good. There’s a reason why ‘breakneck speed’ is described as such. Fennel Hudson
There is a fine line between fair criticism and jealous assault. Fennel Hudson
Publish a book before you’re too old to read it without glasses. Fennel Hudson
Writing with a biro is the emotional equivalent of giving your loved one a plastic rose on Valentine’s Day. Fennel Hudson
Proper writing ink comes in a bottle, can be swirled like brandy in a glass, and smells like apple blossom after rain. Fennel Hudson
Committing your thoughts and feelings to words is like putting your soul on a plate and hoping the diners will like what they eat. Fennel Hudson
To not use a talent to the best of your ability is to stifle the thing that makes you most special. It is like plucking the wings off a butterfly. Fennel Hudson
I like to start slowly, and then ease up as the day progresses. Fennel Hudson