Quotes From "A Week Of Mondays" By Jessica Brody

When my phone chimes with a text message on Monday morning, I'm still in that dreamy state between sleep and awake where you can pretty much convince yourself of anything. Like that a teen Mick Jagger is waiting in your driveway to take you to school. Or that your favorite book series ended with an actual satisfying conclusion, instead of what the author tried to pass off as a satisfying conclusion. Jessica Brody
Tristan was the soundtrack of my summer. The beat I walked to. The melody I breathed in and out. The lyrics I lived by. Jessica Brody
I don’t know. I guess I’d just like to see you live one day for yourself. Jessica Brody
It’s like I became so obsessed with doing things right, I forgot to enjoy them. Jessica Brody
I’m so tired of crying. I’m so tired of losing. I’m just so tired. Jessica Brody
I can’t help to feel like they’re staring at me, too. Judging me. Deeming me not good enough. Not pretty enough. Not cool enough. And to be honest, sometimes I wonder if they’re right. Jessica Brody
But there’s nothing. My life is one big meaningless cycle of nothingness. Jessica Brody
The truth is, we are never just one thing. We all have many titles and many labels, but far too often, we get trapped inside a single definition. The Teacher's Pet, the Rule Follower, the Cheerleader, the Athlete, the Princess, the Basket Case, the Criminal.. the Rock Star's Girlfriend. Whether we wrote that definition or it was given to us, it somehow becomes our only identity. We get so lost in it that we forget about all the other pieces that make up who we are. Jessica Brody