Quotes From "A Quest For More: Living For Something Bigger Than You" By Paul David Tripp

God’s grace invites you to be part of something that is far greater than your boldest and most expansive dream. His grace cuts a hole in your self-built prison and invites you to step into something so huge, so significant that only one word in the Bible can adequately capture it. That word is glory. Paul David Tripp
Every time you ask for forgiveness, you recognize that the biggest problems you face in life exist inside of you, not outside of you. Paul David Tripp
Every time you ask for forgiveness, you declare that your life does not belong to you, but has been created for the purpose of Another. Paul David Tripp
It is a sweet thing that we serve a dissatisfied God who has destinations in mind for us that we would never choose for ourselves. It really is a good thing that he will not be satisfied until he has gotten us exactly where he created us and re-created us to be. Most of us would have been satisfied to stay at home, and many of us would have quit the journey long before it was completed. But our heavenly Father won't give up until each one of his children has completed the journey. . Paul David Tripp
If your hope disappoints you, it is the wrong kind of hope. You see, hope in God never disappoints, precisely because it is hope *in God.* This means that hope placed in any other thing will always end up disappointing. Paul David Tripp