Quotes From "10 Lb Penalty" By Dick Francis

People always kill Caesar. Don't trust anyone. Dick Francis
But what do you say if you're asked a direct question and you can't tell the truth and you can't tell a lie?' 'You say “how very interesting” and change the subject. Dick Francis
But people as a rule believe only what they want to believe, and if you tell them anything else they'll call you a trouble-maker and get rid of you and never give you your job back, even if what you said is proved spot on right by time. Dick Francis
Silly, ' he said with mock serenity, 'isn't a word you should ever apply to people. They may be totally stupid, in fact, but if you call them silly you've lost their vote. Dick Francis
If ever you get invited into someone's home, ' my father said (as he had been invited five or six times that morning), 'you go into the sitting-room and you say, “Oh, what an attractive room! " even if you think it's hideous. Dick Francis
It's people with obsessions who do the real harm in the world. Dick Francis