I didn't want to be short. I've tried to pretend that being a short guy didn't matter. I tried to make up for being short by affecting a strut, by adopting the voice of a much bigger man, by spending more money than I made, by tipping double or triple at bars and restaurants, by dating tall, beautiful women. Mickey Rooney
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Enjoy every step you take. If you're curious, there is always something new to be discovered in the backdrop of your daily life. - Roy T. Bennett

  2. Life is an adventure of passion, risk, danger, laughter, beauty, love; a burning curiosity to go with the action to see what it is all about, to go search for a pattern of meaning, to burn one's bridges because you're never going to go back... - Saul D. Alinsky

  3. What a large volume of adventures may be grasped within the span of his little life by him who interests his heart in everything. - Laurence Sterne

  4. ... what you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow. - Norton Juster

  5. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein

More Quotes By Mickey Rooney
  1. There is no evidence that we've been placed on this planet to be especially happy or especially normal. And in fact our unhappiness and our strangeness, our anxieties and compulsions, those least fashionable aspects of our personalities, are quite often what lead us to do...

  2. Please ejaculate", I silently urged the man, "so I can go to sleep". (In this way I imagine I was like millions of women before me

  3. Shame internalized can lead to agony. Whereas shame let out can lead to freedom, or at least a funny story, which is a sort of freedom too.

  4. The days that followed passed slowly. I lay in my hotel room and watched the kind of strange European TV that would probably make perfect sense if I understood the language, but because I didn’t, the programs just seemed dreamlike and baffling. In one studio...

  5. Psychopaths [make] the world go around...society [is] an expression of that particular sort of madness... I've always believed society to be a fundamentally rational thing, but what if it isn't? What if it is built on insanity?

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