The family was not only the social unit, but also the unit of government.

Charles Eastman
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  2. Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell. - Criss Jami

  3. With a philosophy education, one can infuriate his peers, intimidate his date, think of obscure, unreliable ways to make money, and never regret a thing. - Criss Jami

  4. S.M."Social Media or Social Menace?I'll leave it to you to work out. - Anthony T. Hincks

  5. A rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. That part causes the infection. And in such cases when a rumor is only... - Criss Jami

More Quotes By Charles Eastman
  1. Nearness to nature... keeps the spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt and in touch with the unseen powers.

  2. Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, to be loyal to a family and clan, whose blood is in your own veins.

  3. The clan is nothing more than a larger family, with its patriarchal chief as the natural head, and the union of several clans by intermarriage and voluntary connection constitutes the tribe.

  4. The family was not only the social unit, but also the unit of government.

  5. More than this, even in those white men who professed religion we found much inconsistency of conduct. They spoke much of spiritual things, while seeking only the material.

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