It is 10 PM now, and Godzilla has been sitting at his desk in front of his laptop for six to seven hours. He has accomplished hardly anything today. Godzilla is drinking a lot of beer. He can not stop smoking cigarettes. His room is blue with cigarette smoke, and Godzilla sits on a chair in there, minimizing and maximizing Mozilla Firefox repeatedly. He is not over his girlfriend's house because she said on the cell phone that she needed time, alone, to think about their relationship. Godzilla worries that he will not be able to take care of himself if they break up. . Brandon Scott Gorrell
About This Quote

In the beginning of this quote, the word "wine" is used to describe the beer that Godzilla is drinking. This is a reference to how alcohol can cause a person to become more relaxed and less alert. In the second half of the sentence, Godzilla is smoking a lot of cigarettes, which is a sign that a person might be a bit depressed. The "blue room" in which Godzilla sits in is a reference to his depression.

He turns on Firefox repeatedly to make sure that his girlfriend does not find out about him being on Facebook or Twitter or searching online about her life. In addition, he uses the word "minimizing" when describing what he does on his computer when he is not playing games or looking at porn, which shows that he has been staying up late and sleeping only a few hours each night. All of these things together show that Godzilla is very depressed and in need of some help. Posted by Anna at 7:43 AM

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