7 Quotes & Sayings By Brandon Scott Gorrell

Brandon Scott Gorrell is an author, entrepreneur, and self-improvement coach. He is the author of the popular blog, The Monkey's Paw, on which he first published his book, How to Be a Millionaire. His book, How to Be a Millionaire, was published by Hay House in 2011. He has also written for Entrepreneur Magazine, Self Magazine, and other publications on the topic of entrepreneurship Read more

Gorrell holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master of Science in Education from University of Virginia.

Seeing a woman cough today made me sense a vague...
Seeing a woman cough today made me sense a vague fear of death Brandon Scott Gorrell
From my chair i can see the street and it seems depressing Brandon Scott Gorrell
Holding a tiny dixie cup in my hand makes me...
Holding a tiny dixie cup in my hand makes me feel like a giant human being that can crush things Brandon Scott Gorrell
It is 10 PM now, and Godzilla has been sitting at his desk in front of his laptop for six to seven hours. He has accomplished hardly anything today. Godzilla is drinking a lot of beer. He can not stop smoking cigarettes. His room is blue with cigarette smoke, and Godzilla sits on a chair in there, minimizing and maximizing Mozilla Firefox repeatedly. He is not over his girlfriend's house because she said on the cell phone that she needed time, alone, to think about their relationship. Godzilla worries that he will not be able to take care of himself if they break up. . Brandon Scott Gorrell
There are no specific memories of the first time I used ketamine, which was around age 17 or 18. The strongest recollection of ketamine use regarded an instance when I was concurrently smoking marijuana and inhaling nitrous oxide. I was in an easy chair and the popular high school band Sublime was playing on the CD player. I was with a friend. We were snorting lines of ketamine and then smoking marijuana from a pipe and blowing the marijuana smoke into a nitrous-filled balloon and inhaling and exhaling the nitrous-filled balloon until there was no more nitrous oxide in the balloon to achieve acute sensations of pleasure, [adjective describing state in which one is unable to comprehend anything], disorientation, etc. The first time I attempted this process my vision behaved as a compact disc sound when it skips - a single frame of vision replacing itself repeatedly for over 60 seconds, I think. Everything was vibrating. Obviously I couldn't move. My friend was later vomiting in the bathroom a lot and I remember being particularly fascinated by the sound of it; it was like he was screaming at the same time as vomiting, which I found funny, and he was making, to a certain degree, demon-like noises. My time 'with' ketamine lasted three months at the most, but despite my attempts I never achieved a 'k-hole.' At a party, once, I saw a girl sitting in bushes and asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm in a 'k-hole.'" While I have since stopped doing ketamine because of availability and lack of interest, I would do ketamine again because I would like to be in a 'k-hole. . Brandon Scott Gorrell
My first incident drinking alcohol occurred after a 2-month period in which I stole wine coolers and beers from my parents and hid them in different places around my room. I was 14 years old, in eighth grade. I invited a friend over one night after I had stolen enough. After 2 wine coolers the friend interrupted me, saying, "Hold on, " and vomited into a trash can. I vomited a lot into the toilet. The next day, like a dumbass, I put the empty wine cooler and beer bottles in our outside garbage bin without trying to cover them. My dad caught me as a result, but hid it from my mom for unknown reasons. . Brandon Scott Gorrell