The definition of hell is two people in a relationship that is starved for love and unable to fulfill that need.

Shannon L. Alder
Some Similar Quotes
  1. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche

  2. Earlier men craved for love from women, nowadays they ask everything except love! - Ramana Pemmaraju

  3. Insurgence and all forms of evil in a society doesn't describes her as a failure, but vividly shows a lack of love for one another. - Michael Bassey Johnson

  4. More people die from the hunger of love than from the lack of food. - Debasish Mridha

  5. Every time you mistreat someone, you reveal the part of you that lacks love and needs to heal. - Kemi Sogunle

More Quotes By Shannon L. Alder
  1. The definition of God as infinite Love was a particularly important theme for [John Duns] Scotus. He disagreed with Anselm, who understood the Incarnation as a necessary payment for sin. He also disagreed with Thomas [Aquinas], who argued that the Incarnation, though willed by God...

  2. As persons, so Mournier maintained, we possess both a spiritual and temporal dimension; we exist in history, in relationship with others, but open to transcendence and ultimately to God. This concept of the person, he believed, was denied as much by an atheistic totalitarianism of...

  3. Mournier defined his own position as one of 'tragic optimism--' a Christian attitude of absolute engagement in the struggles of history, despite the fact that the Absolute cannot be contained in history.

  4. Consistently, [Yves] Congar emphasized the distinction between Tradition and traditionalism. The latter was an unyielding commitment to the past. The former was a living principle of commitment to the Beginning, a process that required creativity, inspiration, and a spirit of openness to the present as...

  5. But in the end they were not called saints because of the way they died, or because of their visions or wondrous deeds, but because of their extraordinary capacity for the love and goodness, which reminded others of the love of God.

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