I have no clue. I have ovaries; therefore, I repel all things mechanical.

M. Leighton
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More Quotes By M. Leighton
  1. I want to live. I want to live life with all it's emotions, all it's experiences, I don't want to miss anyhting. But I feel like I will.

  2. I have no clue. I have ovaries; therefore, I repel all things mechanical.

  3. If you had a piece of coal, we could hold her down, shove it up her ass, and come collect a big, fat diamond in a few days.

  4. It took me a couple of months to realize I was in love with her. Well, probably not to realize it. More like to admit it. And when I did, I knew that was why I had chosen to stay away from her. I love...

  5. I mean, it's not like he's Damon Salvatore hot

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