In every set of circumstances, we get to create our own experience.

Tina Hallis
In every set of circumstances, we get to create our...
In every set of circumstances, we get to create our...
In every set of circumstances, we get to create our...
In every set of circumstances, we get to create our...
About This Quote

In every set of circumstances, we get to create our own experience. When you have a situation that seems unbearable, just take a deep breath and think about it differently. The feelings of hopelessness and despair will vanish the moment you decide to look at the situation from a different perspective. This is true with any emotional pain.

When you feel heartache or loneliness, try to remember your experiences before these feelings became so prevalent in your life. You might find that there were times in your life when you felt like this and you handled it in a particular way. These memories can help you understand that the pain is not insurmountable and that you can get through it.

Source: Sharpen Your Positive Edge: Shifting Your Thoughts For More Positivity And Success

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