Often our understanding of ourselves can be ruined by the way we are treated, by things we have done that we are ashamed of, things we have gone through and by our inability to comprehend our own personal loveliness. You have to choose to believe the truth about you which is, you are lovable. You are not a screw up who messes everything up. You are valuable and you are not a waste of space. The world would not be better off without you, in fact, you have a gift to give the world. You have a story that someone else needs to hear. Stalina Goodwin
About This Quote

I just love this quote because it is so true. You can make mistakes, you can make bad decisions, but you are not a waste of space. We all make mistakes, but the way we are treated by others should not define who we are. People are not perfect, which means their mistakes should not define them either.

Source: Dear Beautiful: 31 Days Of Affirmations For Women

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More Quotes By Stalina Goodwin
  1. Often our understanding of ourselves can be ruined by the way we are treated, by things we have done that we are ashamed of, things we have gone through and by our inability to comprehend our own personal loveliness. You have to choose to believe...

  2. You will trip up and fall sometimes. It doesn't take away from how great you are. You will not always say the right thing. It doesn't revoke the light within you.

  3. The truth is that you may mess up a bit. Don’t panic. Relax and remember to give your best and let the chips fall where they may.

  4. Somewhere someone else’s break-through is hinging on you simply knowing that you matter. So please, remind yourself of this truth every single day.

  5. Don’t allow anyone to shame you with your life story. Walk in your truth knowing that you are the better because of it. It is because of all the things you've been through that you are able to be who you are today.

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