12 Quotes About Empowerment

Empowering quotes can help you to feel more empowered. If you struggle with feeling like there is nothing you can do to make a difference, these quotes will help you believe in yourself and your abilities to make the world a better place. Sometimes there is no right answer, and sometimes our solutions will make other people uncomfortable. But that’s okay - the world is changing! Learn how to be more empowered by empowering quotes about how to empower others.

You will trip up and fall sometimes. It doesn't take...
You will trip up and fall sometimes. It doesn't take away from how great you are. You will not always say the right thing. It doesn't revoke the light within you. Stalina Goodwin
The truth is that you may mess up a bit....
The truth is that you may mess up a bit. Don’t panic. Relax and remember to give your best and let the chips fall where they may. Stalina Goodwin
Somewhere someone else’s break-through is hinging on you simply knowing...
Somewhere someone else’s break-through is hinging on you simply knowing that you matter. So please, remind yourself of this truth every single day. Stalina Goodwin
Don’t allow anyone to shame you with your life story. Walk in your truth knowing that you are the better because of it. It is because of all the things you've been through that you are able to be who you are today. Stalina Goodwin
You must remember that you were made so that the...
You must remember that you were made so that the world might be graced with a brilliance that only YOU can display. Stalina Goodwin
That deep longing that you keep dismissing as impractical, may...
That deep longing that you keep dismissing as impractical, may be the very thing your soul is calling you to do. Renae A. Sauter
Entitlement is an expression of conditional love. Nobody is ever entitled to your love. You always have a right to protect your mental, emotional, and physical well-being by removing yourself from toxic people and circumstances. Janice Anderson
Say It Out Loud: I AM beautiful. I AM worthy....
Say It Out Loud: I AM beautiful. I AM worthy. I AM somebody. I DO deserve to be genuinely loved. I DO deserve to be respected. I DO deserve happiness. Stephanie Lahart
Leadership is not about the power and status of one but the empowerment and service of all. That is what it should be and that is how it should be measured. Rasheed Ogunlaru
One of the best things you can do in life is to embrace who you are. Once you do that NOTHING can stop you. You have found the greatest gift that has been given. The gift of self importance. Auliq Ice