When the world careens out of control, we can rest in the fact that God spun this world with a simple word. Matter from emptiness. Beauty from void. Community from chaos.

Mary E. DeMuth
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe

  2. Anger's like a battery that leaks acid right out of me And it starts from the heart 'til it reaches my outer me - Criss Jami

  3. Some people believe that if they yell and scream, others will get the point of just how serious they are. For me, all I get is the point of just how out of control that someone is. - Cathy Burnham Martin

  4. If someone yells at me, they are not expressing love. They may be threatening me. They may be expressing great frustration with me. They may simply be trying to control my behavior. However, they are not communicating love. - Cathy Burnham Martin

  5. Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction. - Criss Jami

More Quotes By Mary E. DeMuth
  1. Growth comes from God, to those with surrendered, yielded hearts.

  2. We don’t like death. We’d rather produce seeds another way. But death to ourselves, our agendas, our expectations, our hopes is necessary to find deep joy that comes when we fully relinquish ourselves to the gospel.

  3. The roadblocks to growth and joy come when we forget the bigness of God & instead make people bigger than He is.

  4. Because the culture we breathe and work in rushes against rest. It equates our worth with production and wealth and fame. The more we work toward those goals, the more society assigns us worth.

  5. A broken person understands she needs rescue, and she depends on God to resurrect and deliver. And she also understands that even if God chooses not to deliver, His ways are higher and more amazing then what we can fathom.

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