A great book allows me to leap over that wall: in a deep, significant conversation with another consciousness, I feel human and unalone.

David Shields
Some Similar Quotes
  1. A half-read book is a half-finished love affair. - David Mitchell

  2. If one wanted to depict the whole thing graphically, every episode, with its climax, would require a three-dimensional, or, rather, no model: every experience is unrepeatable. What makes lovemaking and reading resemble each other most is that within both of them times and spaces open,... - Italo Calvino

  3. We shouldn't teach great books we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement. - B.F. Skinner

  4. Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live. - Gustave Flaubert

  5. People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. - Logan Pearsall Smith

More Quotes By David Shields
  1. Copies have been dethroned; the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connections, and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways...

  2. Story seems to say that everything happens for a reason and I want to say, No, it doesn’t.

  3. A great book allows me to leap over that wall: in a deep, significant conversation with another consciousness, I feel human and unalone.

  4. To write only according to the rules laid down by masterpieces signifies that one is not a master but a pupil.

  5. A sports writer is a stylist of some kind. He is trying to convey mood and character and emotion.

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